Senin, 18 Juni 2018

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Water supply and sanitation in Ethiopia - Wikiwand

Access to water supply and sanitation in Ethiopia is among the lowest in Sub-Saharan Africa and around the world. Although access has increased substantially with funding from overseas aid, much remains to be done to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of halving the number of people without access to water and sanitation by 2015, to improve sustainability and to improve service quality.

Some of the factors that hinder the achievement of these goals are the limited capacity of the water bureaus in nine regions of the country, two city administrations and water tables in 550 counties in Ethiopia ( woreda s); cost recovery insufficient for proper operation and maintenance; and the different policies and procedures used by various donors, despite the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness.

In 2001 the government adopted a water and sanitation strategy that called for more decentralized decision making; promoting the involvement of all stakeholders, including the private sector; increased levels of cost recovery; as well as integrating water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion activities. Implementation of the policy was uneven.

In 2005 the government announced a very ambitious targets to increase coverage in the Plans for Accelerated and Poverty (PASDEP) Sustainable Development for 2010. The investment required to achieve the objective is approximately US $ 300 million per year, compared to actual investment of US $ 39 million in 2001-2002. In 2010 the government presented an equally ambitious Growth Plan and Transformation (GTP) 2011-2015, aiming to increase the coverage of drinking water, based on a government definition, from 68.5% to 98.5%. Although donors have allocated substantial funds to the sector, effectively spending their money and ensuring the operation and maintenance of infrastructure built with these funds remains a challenge.

Video Water supply and sanitation in Ethiopia

Water and usage resources

Ethiopia has 12 river basins with an annual runoff volume of 122 billion m 3 water and an estimated 2.6-6.5 billion m 3 groundwater potential. This is equivalent to an average of 1,575 m 3 water that is physically available per person per year, a relatively large volume. However, due to large spatial and temporal variations in rainfall and lack of storage, water is often unavailable where and when it is needed. Only about 3% of the water resources used, which is only about 11% (0.3% of the total) are used for domestic water supply.

The main source of drinking water of Addis Ababa is the Gafsara dam that was built during the Italian occupation and rehabilitated in 2009. Other wells and dams complete the supply.

The city of Dire Dawa is supplied exclusively from highly polluted groundwater. The situation is most dramatic in Harar where "a steady decline of Alemaya Lake level has resulted in complete closure of the treatment plant". Due to supply shortages, water sellers sell unrefined water at very high prices. The lake is drying out due to local climate change, land use changes in its basin and improved crystalline irrigation, lightweight medicines grown for local consumption and exports. A pipeline is expected to carry 75 kilometers of water from a well near Dire Dawa to Harar.

Most rural water supplies depend on ground water through shallow wells, deep wells, and springs. People who do not have access to better supplies usually get water from rivers, unprotected springs and wells dug by hand. Well, rivers and springs can be contaminated and can cause waterborne diseases. Rainwater harvesting is also common.

Maps Water supply and sanitation in Ethiopia


The number of people who do not have access to water "increased" by 2015 is 42 million. Regarding sanitation, its development is slower and there are still 71 million people without access to improved sanitation by 2015. According to data from the Joint Water Monitoring and Sanitation Program of WHO and UNICEF, which in turn is based on data from various national surveys including Demographic Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) 2005, access to improved water sources and better sanitation is estimated as follows in 2008:

  • 38% for better water supply (98% for urban areas and 26% for rural areas)
  • 12% for sanitation improvement (29% in urban areas, 8% in rural areas)

According to figures used by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development for planning purposes, however, access is much higher. In 2010, access to drinking water was estimated at 68.5%: 91.5% in urban areas (in 0.5 km) and 65.8% in rural areas (within 1.5 km). Higher numbers for rural areas may be due to the distance to the better water source used in this definition higher than the distance used by the Demographic and Health Survey.

In 1990 access to improved water supplies was estimated at only 17%, and access to improved sanitation was estimated at only 4%. So there is a significant increase in access to water supply and sanitation, which covers both urban and rural areas. More than 138,000 improved community water points were built and rehabilitated from 2008 to 2010.

In communities where there is no access to better water sources, women bear the burden of collecting water. For example, according to an article by Tina Rosenberg for National Geographic, in the mountain village of Foro in Konso specifically woreda women southwest of Ethiopia, do three to five trips per day to extract dirty water from the Koiro river. Every ride home takes two to three hours and water is brought in "50-pound jerrycans".

Ethiopia's Water Crisis - Water In Ethiopia 2018 |

Service quality

The quality of drinking water. The quality of drinking water in Ethiopia varies. The most comprehensive description of the quality of drinking water is the result of a national statistical survey representing tap water supply, boreholes, protected dug wells and protected springs conducted by WHO and UNICEF in 2004-2005. This indicates that 72% of samples met the values ​​for coliform bacteria in drinking water standards Ethiopia ES 261: 2001 and WHO guidelines for drinking water. In the case of piped water supply by utility compliance is highest at 88%. Unlocked wells and springs are not included in the survey. In addition to bacterial contamination, natural contamination with fluoride is a problem in the Rift Valley. Survey results confirm routine monitoring results conducted at the Regional Water Bureau and Regional Health Bureau laboratories. The latest results are archived at the Ethiopian Institute of Health and Nutrition Research. Interaction and exchange of information between regional health bureaus and regional water bureaus are poor.

Other aspects of service quality . In 2010, 20 percent of rural water systems were damaged, down from 25 percent in 2007. About 35 percent of some 30,000 hand pumps in Ethiopia, serving about 2 million people, did not work in the mid-2000s. In the allotment of piped water systems and service interruptions are frequent. There is no wastewater treatment plant in Ethiopia, so all the waste water collected in the sewer is discharged without care to the environment.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development

Responsibility for water supply and sanitation

For more details see: Ethiopia

To understand the responsibilities in this sector, it is necessary to provide a brief overview of local government in Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a federal state consisting of the following subdivisions:

  • nine Ethnic Based Areas ( kililoch ), with populations between 200,000 and 25 million respectively;
  • 68 Zones, with populations between 100,000 and several million each;
  • 550 Districts, with populations between 10,000 and more than 300,000 respectively;
  • A large number of Kebeles, which is the smallest administrative unit in Ethiopia.

In addition to the nine areas there are two "city charter", (Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa), where the lower-level administrative units mentioned above do not exist. There is a wide disparity in development and inter-regional institutional capacity as well as within the region. The areas of Amhara, Oromia, Tigray and the small Harari region are relatively developed. About 70% of Ethiopians live in these four areas. The Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region, where about 20% of the population lives, is very heterogeneous. In more grazing and remote areas, Somalis, Afar, Gambela and Benishangul-Gumuz regions, where about 10% of the population lives, its capacity tends to be the lowest.

Policies and regulations

There is a strong national water supply and sanitation policy and key institutions have clear roles and strategies. The national policy is set by the Ministry of Water and Energy (MWE), formerly the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR), for water supply, and by the Ministry of Health for sanitation.

In 2006 the government adopted the Universal Access Plan (UAP) to reach 98% access to rural water supply and 100% access to urban water supply and sanitation in 2012. The cost is estimated at US $ 2.5 billion. During the first phase until 2012, the focus is on affordable and precise technology, with the following service standards:

In October 2006 a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Environment to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each Ministry in the implementation of the Universal Access Plan. Regional Water Bureaus and Woreda Water Desks are responsible for investment planning, monitoring and technical assistance to service providers. Their capacity to fulfill these tasks is sometimes limited.

Water supply

Formally, MWE's mandate covers only water resources management and has no legal mandate on drinking water supplies. However, the de facto entity is responsible for the policy arrangement for water supply and to channel donor funds in the sector to local government entities. In 2009, what was then the Ministry of Water Resources has 737 employees in eight departments and 10 "services". One of the eight departments is the Department of Water Supply and Waste Disposal. In 2011 Alamayehu Tegenu is the Minister of Water and Energy.

In 2001 the government adopted the National Water Strategy prepared by MWR. Overall strategy includes water resources strategy, hydroelectric development strategy, water supply and sanitation strategy, and irrigation strategy.

Regarding water supply and sanitation, this strategy aims to:

  • Decentralized decision making
  • Promote the involvement of all stakeholders, including the private sector
  • Increased cost recovery rate
  • Integrating water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion activities.

The strategy document does not include the diagnostics of the current situation. The water and sanitation section of the strategy alone includes 44 recommendations on technical, institutional, capacity building, social, economic and environmental issues. No priority between recommendations and strategies does not establish a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of a strategy.


The Ministry of Health is responsible for policies related to sanitation and hygiene promotion. It has adopted the Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Strategy. De facto sewer in urban areas is under MWR responsibility, while on-site sanitation promotion is the responsibility of the Ministry of Health. The Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Strategy has refocused government resources on the promotion of pro-poor and low-cost practices.

Terms of service

In the capital, Addis Ababa Water and Sewer Authority provides water and sewage services. In other cities and towns, the Municipal Water Council is responsible for the provision of services. They are expected to contract service provision to private operators. In rural areas, community water and sanitation committees operate water systems and promote sanitation. Not all local committees are registered, which is a prerequisite for opening a bank account to hold the funds collected from the user. Woreda Water Desks (local government agencies) should support local committees. However, according to a DFID-funded research report, the dominant community service management delivery approach in rural Ethiopia "has passed local government authorities and reduced their holdings, but these actors are still needed if rural services are to be sustainable and measurable."


Regional water resource development bureaus play an important role in planning investment at the local level and in capacity building.

Social Rehabilitation and Ethiopian Development Fund (ERSDF) - Social Fund established in 1996 - is also an important actor, especially in rural areas. It has funded nearly 2,000 rural water projects serving about 2.5 million people. However, the government has decided to end the ERSDF and redeploy its staff to other institutions.

How Ethiopia managed to supply water to 48 million people - UNICEF ...

Recent history and developments

Until 1995 the national government was responsible for planning and implementing water and sanitation projects centrally. Under the 1995 constitution, Ethiopia became a federal state, which implies the decentralization of many functions to lower levels of government. This process has now been underway for more than a decade, but decentralization is hampered by the limited capacity of local governments to carry out their new responsibilities.

Also in 1995, a Ministry of Water Resources was formed, taking over much of the water resources department's responsibilities from the former Ministry of Public Works.

In 1999 the government adopted the National Water Resources Management Policy, followed by the establishment of the Water Resources Development Fund (2002) and the Water Sector Development Program. The latter include water and waste water supply development programs (not focus on sewerage and thus the absence of on-site sanitation).

The Government Plan for the Acceleration of Sustainable Development and to End Poverty (PADEP), covering the 2005-2010 period, which aims to increase access to improved water sources to 84% and access to improved sanitation by 80% by 2010. This ambitious target run well beyond the water and sanitation targets of the Millennium Development Goals, aimed at halving the number of people without access by 2015. According to a set of government figures, used by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development for planning purposes, access to drinking water reaches 68, 5% in 2010. According to another set of government figures, based on national survey data and used by WHO and UNICEF to monitor the Millennium Development Goals, in 2008 access to improved water sources was only 38% and 12% improved sanitation.

In 2010 the government presented an equally ambitious 2011-2015 Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) aimed at increasing the coverage of drinking water, based on a government definition, from 68.5% to 98.5%.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development

Recovery rates and charges

Average cost recovery is too low to recover operating costs, not to mention providing adequate maintenance facilities. Repeated expenditures - estimated at US $ 29 million in 2001-02 - were financed primarily through user charges (64%), as well as subsidies from local governments (31%) and the federal government (5%). Despite this overall grim picture, some service providers recover all operating costs and generate a simple cash surplus.

The National Water Resources Management Policy aims at full cost recovery for urban systems and recovery of operating and maintenance costs for rural systems. It is unclear whether progress has been made to achieve this ambitious goal since the policy was adopted.

World Bank approves $445 million to enhance water supply and ...

Investment and financing


Real investment . There is no reliable estimate of the actual level of investment in the sector, and the available estimates vary widely. A detailed estimate of investment and financial flows in the Ethiopian water sector was undertaken by the World Bank Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) for the 2001-02 financial year. Estimated total sector investment of US $ 39 million or less than half a dollar per capita, being one of the lowest levels of sector investment recorded in the world. Water and sanitation decreased as part of total expenditure focused on poverty from 7.4% in 2005/06 to 3.4% in 2009/10. In addition, according to a DFID-funded study, "actual expenditure may fall far short of this level." It appears that a very significant proportion of resources are not being utilized and are subject to congestion. "

Investment projection . The government estimates that the annual investment in the period 2006-2015 will reach about US $ 100 million per year, or about two and a half times their level in 2001-2002. This projection is based on funding commitments made by donors and governments. Thus does not take into account the obstacles in implementation due to limited capacity or other potential pitfalls. The government estimates that the actual investment requirement is about three times or US $ 297 million per year for the period 2006-2015.


Source . According to WSP estimates cited, in 2001-2002 only 9% of sector investments were funded by the federal budget, 55% through local budgets, 33% off-budget by NGOs, 2% by ERSDF and 1% by other sources. This estimate does not include contributions in the form of public goods, which are high for rural water supply and sanitation. A high but unknown portion of the federal budget and perhaps also from the Woreda budget devoted to the sector is funded by donors. Regarding the projected investment for 2006-2015, it is estimated that 12% (US $ 12 million) will be funded by the government with its own resources, 15% (US $ 16 million) by the community and 73% (US $ 75 million) by donors. It is not clear whether these estimates include non-budget support by NGOs. Due to the different categories used, comparisons between historical and projected sources of funding are not possible.

Process . According to DFID-funded research reports, funding levels for services provided by regional and local governments are difficult to predict. Most donor funding is channeled outside the government budget, although in 2009 there was a tendency for donors and governments to "ensure alignment of financing mechanisms". Where financing is provided through the budget, "too heavy" reporting conditions and procedures. Budget transparency and accountability are limited, although efforts are being made to create an open budget system at all levels of government. According to the report, the government, especially at the lower level, "does not recognize citizens' rights to information about budget allocations". Universal Access plans use national-level unit costs to allocate government funds to local governments. The unit cost approach failed to account for regional differences. There is no funding for operation and maintenance or local government fees to support the community in operations and maintenance. This increases the risk that the newly built system will fail. For 550 Woredas countries, an important source of funding is block grants from central government that they can use independently within the broad criteria set by the Water Resources Development Fund (WRDF). The WRDF itself provides loans and is managed by the Board responsible to MWE and is funded through budget allocations and donor funds.

Ethiopia inaugurates model water supply and waste management ...

External cooperation

Donors finance many projects in water supply and sanitation in Ethiopia - some through the Federal Government and some directly to regions, cities and communities. Donors have established a technical working group (TWG) on water as part of a core donor group called the Development Assistance Group. The Multi-Stakeholder Forum is also supported through the EU Water Initiative. Although coordination improves, donors still use different implementation arrangements. As a result, according to the World Bank, transaction costs are high.

Important donors in this sector are the African Development Bank, CIDA, China, DFID UK, EU, FINIDA, AFD from France, Germany (via GTZ and KfW), JICA, Netherlands, UNDP, UNICEF and World Bank. There are also about 500 local and foreign NGOs, many of whom are active in water supply and sanitation.

The African Development Bank provided a $ 64 million grant for rural water supply and sanitation which was approved in 2005.


In November 2011 it was announced that China would provide a US $ 100 million loan for water supply in Addis Ababa.


The British NGO WaterAid has been involved in Ethiopia since 1983. It works closely with established local NGOs. In the Oromia Region, water projects tend to be a spring-feeding gravity scheme, some of which are very large, providing water for tens of thousands of people. In the Southern Nations, the Nationalities, and the People's Region scheme have included deep drill holes because water is sometimes found only under 200 meters. For example, in villages Orbesho residents - especially women - build access roads to allow drilling equipment to carry in, dig trenches for pipes and collect rocks for structures. In Amhara and Tigray, major technology has been dug by hand and the development of spring. At the Benishangul-Gumuz rope pump is also used. In the field of sanitation, WaterAid supports the development and use of latrines. Hygiene education is increasingly focused on the close relationship between proper hand washing at critical moments, such as before eating and after going to the toilet, and improving health. In all cases, WaterAid works closely with the community from the beginning. Special attention is currently paid to the women involved. Since 1998 WaterAid has also been involved in the Addis Ababa slums. Projects include building communal water points connected to the city pipeline system, as well as shower and toilet blocks.

World Bank

In May 2012, the World Bank has approved a USD 150 million soft loan for an urban water and sanitation project as additional financing for a US $ 100 million soft loan approved in 2007. The project includes Addis Ababa, Gondar, Hawassa, Jimma, Mekelle , and Diredawa. On the sanitation side, it will promote household latrines, sanitation and sanitation practices and build communal sanitation facilities. Water production is expected to increase from 50 to 75 liters per capita per day in Addis Ababa and from 30 to 50 liters in five secondary cities. The water distribution network will be expanded to serve 400,000 more people (40,000 connections) in Addis Ababa and 500,000 more people (50,000 connections) in five secondary cities. The project will also promote awareness of water conservation among customers. The project will also reduce water losses: In Addis Ababa from the 50 liters per capita per day produced, only 35 reach consumers due to water loss. In the remaining cities only 20 of the 30 liters produced reach consumers.

In March 2010, the World Bank approved an additional funding of USD 80 million for a US $ 100 million rural water supply and sanitation project approved in 2004. According to the World Bank, until 2010, the original project has financed the construction of 1,288 dug wells, 835 protected springs, 576 shallow wells, 99 deep wells, 75 rural pipe systems and 35 rainwater harvests, and promoted hygiene and sanitation. In rural areas alone, according to the World Bank, the project facilitates access to clean water and improved sanitation facilities to about 1.4 million people. In urban areas, the project provides "immediate service improvements" in 87 cities benefiting about 143,000 people.

Institute for Resource Analysis and Policy

Water-related issues

It is important for water to drink and use for everyday use. Without clean water, there will be more opportunities in water-related diseases. The World Bank also states that in Ethiopia from 2011 to 2015 every 64 of 1,000 babies die before the age of 1 year. So in Ethiopia there is a 6.4% chance that a person's baby will not be able to survive more than a year. Also consider that 6.4% of these infants are mostly born in rural areas of Ethiopia.

iDE | Leading the cause for WASH in Ethiopia

Water and sanitation crisis

In rural areas of Ethiopia, women and children walk up to six hours to fetch water. They collect water from an unprotected pond that shares with animals. Others collect from wells. Both of these methods can be easily contaminated when rainwater ishes the waste into the pond or well. Below half the population in Ethiopia has access to better water supplies. Also only 21% of the population has access to adequate sanitation services. In the last 20 years, Ethiopia has suffered a lot from drought, deprivation and hunger. When there is a drought the water-related diseases appear consistently. Also when there is too much water because the rain becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Images of contaminated water in Ethiopia.

WHO | Key facts from JMP 2015 report


There are many ways humans collaborate to find ways to make everyone have adequate hygiene knowledge or access to water. Here are some examples of how we can approach problems related to inadequate water access or cleanliness.

Water supply:

  • Solar powered water pump:

A solar powered pump that uses locally sourced equipment can pump about 30,000 liters of safe water per day.

  • Enhanced toilet:

Some of the poorest people in the world are those who live in poverty and inhumanity. Installing effective sanitation or hygienic toilets will be useful and will reduce many of the diseases that spread around it.

  • Irrigation:

Simple irrigation techniques can and will help families shift from malnutrition to independence.


  • Health and hygiene education:

People living in poverty or the region mostly have poor hygiene behaviors. This is not because they are like that but because they do not have the resources to do it. They lack sanitation largely due to rapid urbanization.

Drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in Ethiopia | We Are Water

See also

  • Water supply and sanitation in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Microcredit for water supply and sanitation
  • Water-borne diseases
  • Water & amp; Sanitation Crisis in Ethiopia
  • Dams and reservoirs in Ethiopia

Drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in Ethiopia | We Are Water


  • The World Bank. Increasing Support for Water Supply and Sanitation in Ethiopia, Water Feature Stories, August 2005
  • The World Bank. "Mortality Rate, Infant (per 1,000 Direct Births)". World Bank. n.d. Web. May 6, 2016.
  • Water. "Ethiopia". Water. n.d. Web. May 18, 2016.

Ethiopia Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #2 | December 18, 2015 ...


Drinking water, sanitation and hygiene in Ethiopia | We Are Water

External links

  • Ministry of Water Resources
  • Water Aid Ethiopia
  • Ecover Wateraid: Ethiopia Ecover water project partnered with WaterAid
  • RunDarenRun
  • How to approach problems in Water and Sanitation

Source of the article : Wikipedia
