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University College London - YouTube

University College London ( UCL ) is a public research university in London, England, and a constituent college of the Federal University of London. It is the third largest university in the UK with total enrollment, and the largest with postgraduate enrollment.

Founded in 1826 as a University of London by founders inspired by radical ideas of Jeremy Bentham, UCL is the first university institution founded in London, and the first in Britain is entirely secular and accepts students regardless of their religion. UCL also made the claim that it was contested as the third oldest university in Britain and the first to receive women. In 1836 UCL became one of the two founding colleges of the University of London, who were given a royal charter in the same year. It has grown through mergers, including with the Institute of Neurology (in 1997), Royal Medical Hospital Medical School (in 1998), Eastman Institute of Dental (in 1999), Slavonic and Eastern European Studies School (in 1999), School of Pharmacy (in 2012) and the Institute of Education (in 2014).

UCL has its main campus in the Bloomsbury area of ​​central London, with institutions and hospitals teaching elsewhere in central London and the satellite campus in Doha, Qatar. UCL is organized into 11 constituent constituent faculties, where there are more than 100 departments, institutes, and research centers. UCL operates several significant cultural museums and manages collections in various fields, including the Egyptian Petrie Archaeological Museum and the Zoological Grants Museum and Comparative Anatomy, and organizes the annual Orwell Prize in political writing. By 2016/17, UCL has approximately 37,900 students and 14,600 staff (including about 7,100 academic staff and 840 professors) and has a group income total of £ 1.33 billion, of which 459.8 million came from grants and research contracts.

In the latest Research Excellence Framework rankings for research strength, UCL is the top-ranked university in the UK calculated by Times Higher Education, and the second is calculated by The Guardian/Research Fortnight. Globally, UCL ranks from ten to twenty six in four major international ranks, and from the seventh to the tenth in the national league table. UCL is a member of many academic organizations, including the Russell Group, and is part of UCL Partners, the world's largest health science center, and the "gold triangle" of intensive research universities in the UK.

UCL alumni include "Father of the Nation" of India, Kenya and Mauritius, the founders of Ghana, modern Japan and Nigeria, the inventor of the telephone, and one of the discoverers of the DNA structure. UCL academics found five natural noble gases, discovered hormones, found vacuum tubes, and made some fundamental advances in modern statistics. In 2017, 33 Nobel Prize winners and 3 Fields medals have been affiliated with UCL as alumni, lecturer or researcher.

Video University College London


1826 to 1836 - University of London

UCL was founded on February 11, 1826 under the name of University of London, as an alternative to Anglican universities in Oxford and Cambridge. The first supervisor of the University of London was Leonard Horner, who was the first scientist to head the British university.

Despite the common belief that philosopher Jeremy Bentham was the founder of UCL, his direct involvement was limited to the purchase of the stock. 633, at a cost of Ã, Â £ 100 paid in nine installments between December 1826 and January 1830. In 1828 he nominated a friend to sit on the council, and in 1827 attempted to have his disciple John Bowring appointed as the first professor of English or History , but on both occasions the candidate did not succeed. This suggests that although his ideas may be influential, he himself is less so. However, Bentham is now generally regarded as the "spiritual father" of UCL, because his radical idea of ​​education and society is an inspiration to the founders of the institution, especially James Mill (1773-1836) and Henry Brougham (1778-1868).

In 1827, Chair of Political Economy at the University of London was formed, with John Ramsay McCulloch as the first incumbent, established one of the first departments in the UK economy. In 1828 the university became the first in the UK to offer English as a subject and teaching classics and medicine began. In 1830, the University of London founded the London University School, which later became the University College School. In 1833, the university appointed Alexander Maconochie, Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, as the first professor of geography in the UK. In 1834, University College Hospital (originally North London Hospital) opened as an educational hospital for a university medical school.

1836 to 1900 - University College, London

In 1836, the University of London was founded with a royal charter under the name of College College, London. On the same day, the University of London was created by the royal charter as a board of degree examiners for students from affiliated schools and colleges, with University College and King's College, London mentioned in the charter as the first two affiliates.

The Slade School of Fine Art was founded as part of University College in 1871, following the will of Felix Slade.

In 1878, the University of London gained an additional charter so that the first British university was allowed to give titles to women. In the same year, UCL recognized women in the Faculty of Arts and Law and Sciences, although women remained banned from the Faculty of Engineering and Medicine (with the exception of courses on public health and hygiene). While UCL claims to have become the first university in the UK to accept women equally with men, since 1878, the University of Bristol has also made this claim, having admitted women from its foundation (as a college) in 1876. Armstrong College, The University of Newcastle, also allowed women to enter from its foundation in 1871, although none were actually registered until 1881. Women were finally accepted in medical studies during the First World War in 1917, although after the war ended, restrictions were placed on their numbers..

In 1898, Sir William Ramsay discovered the elements of krypton, fluorescent and xenon while professor of chemistry at UCL.

1900 to 1976 - University of London, University College

In 1900, the University of London was rebuilt as a federal university under a new law drafted under the University of London Act 1898. UCL, along with a number of other universities in London, became a London University school. While most constituent agencies retained their autonomy, UCL was merged into the University in 1907 under the University College London (Transfer) Act 1905 and lost its legal independence.

1900 also saw the decision to appoint a paid principal. The first petahana was Carey Foster, who served as Principal (as originally titled post) 1900-1904. He was replaced by Gregory Foster (no relationship), and in 1906 the title was changed to Provost to avoid confusion with the Principal. from the University of London. Gregory Foster remained in the post until 1929. In 1906, the Cruciform House opened as a new home for University College Hospital.

UCL suffered considerable bomb damage during the Second World War, including to the Great Hall and the Physics Laboratory of Carey Physics. The first UCL student magazine, Pi Magazine, was published for the first time on February 21, 1946. The Jewish Study Institute moved to UCL in 1959.

The Mullard Space Science Laboratory was founded in 1967. In 1973, UCL became the first international node for Internet precursors, ARPANET.

Although UCL was one of the first universities to recognize women on the same terms as men, in 1878, the senior college common room, the Housman Room, remained only male until 1969. After two unsuccessful attempts, a motion was passed that terminated separation by sex at UCL. This was achieved by Brian Woledge (Fielden Professor of France at UCL from 1939 to 1971) and David Colquhoun, then a young lecturer in pharmacology.

1976 to 2005

In 1976, a new charter restored UCL's legal independence, though it was still without the power to grant its own title. Under this charter the college became officially known as University College London, having previously officially been "University of London, University College" since its incorporation into the University. This name left a comma used in the previous name "University College, London".

In 1986, UCL joined the Institute of Archeology. In 1988, UCL joined the Institute of Laryngology & amp; Otology, Orthopedic Institute, Urology Institute & amp; Nephrology and Middlesex Hospital Medical School.

In 1993, the reorganization of the University of London meant that UCL and other universities had direct access to government funding and the right to award a University of London degree alone. This makes UCL a de facto university within itself.

In 1994, the University College London NHS Trust Hospital was established. UCL joined the College of Speech Sciences and the Institute of Ophthalmology in 1995, the Institute of Pediatrics and the Podiatry School in 1996 and the Institute of Neurology in 1997. In 1998, UCL joined the Royal Medical Hospital Medical School to make the Royal Medical School Free and University College (renamed UCL Medical School in October 2008). In 1999, UCL joined the School of Slavonic and the East European Studies and Eastman Dental Institute.

UCL Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, the world's first university department dedicated exclusively to crime reduction, was founded in 2001.

Proposals for the merger between UCL and Imperial College London were announced in 2002. The proposal provoked strong opposition from UCL faculty and students and the AUT union, which criticized "indecent indecency and lack of consultation", leading to the abandonment of UCL Provost Sir Derek Roberts. Blogs that help stop mergers are maintained, although some links are now broken: see David Colquhoun's blog and Save UCL blog, run by David Conway, a graduate student in the Hebrew and Jewish studies department.

The London Center for Nanotechnology was established in 2003 as a joint venture between UCL and Imperial College London.

Since 2003, when UCL Professor David Latchman became Master of the neighboring Birkbeck, he has established a closer relationship between the two colleges of the University of London, and personally maintains the department in both. The joint research centers include UCL/Birkbeck Institute for Earth and Planetary Sciences, UCL/Birkbeck/IoE Centers for Neuroscience Education, UCL/Birkbeck Institute for Molecular Biology and Biology, and Birkbeck-UCL Center for Neuroimaging.

2005 to 2010

In 2005, UCL was finally awarded its own teaching strength and research degree and all UCL students enrolled from 2007/08 qualified with the UCL degree. Also in 2005, UCL adopted a brand new company in which University College London's name was replaced by UCL's initialism in all external communications. In the same year, a new £ 422 million new building was opened for University College Hospital on Euston Road, the UCL Ear Institute was established and a new building for UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies was opened.

In 2007, the UCL Cancer Institute opened in the newly built Paul O'Gorman Building. In August 2008, UCL formed UCL Partners, an academic health sciences center, with Great Ormond Street Hospitals for NHS Trust Children, Moorfields Eye Hospital, NHS Foundation, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust and University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. In 2008, UCL founded UCL School of Energy & amp; Resources in Adelaide, Australia, the first campus of a UK university in the country. The school is headquartered in the historic Torrens Building in Victoria Square and his work follows negotiations between UCL Deputy Head Michael Worton and South Australian Prime Minister Mike Rann.

In 2009, Yale UCL Collaborative was established between UCL, UCL Partners, Yale University, Yale School of Medicine and Yale - New Haven Hospital. It is the largest collaboration in the history of the university, and its scope is then extended to the humanities and social sciences.

2010 to 2015

In June 2011, mining company BHP Billiton agreed to donate AU $ 10 million to UCL to fund the establishment of two energy agencies - the Adelaide-based Institute for Energy Policy, and the London-based Institute of Sustainable Resources.

In November 2011, UCL announced plans for a £ 500m investment on Bloomsbury's main campus for 10 years, as well as the establishment of a new 23-hectare campus next to the Olympic Park at Stratford in East End London. It revised its expansion plans in East London and announced in December 2014 to build a 11-hectare UCL East campus and provide up to 125,000m 2 space at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. UCL East will be part of a plan to turn the Olympic Park into a cultural and innovation center ("Olympicopolis") where UCL will open its first design school, experimental engineering center and future museum, along with living space for students.

The School of Pharmacy, University of London joined UCL on January 1, 2012, becoming UCL School of Pharmacy in the Faculty of Life Sciences. In May 2012, UCL, Imperial College London and Intel's semiconductor company announced the founding of the Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Sustainable Connected Cities, a London-based agency for research on the future of cities.

In August 2012, UCL received criticism for advertising an unpaid research position; then pull the ad.

UCL and the Institute of Education form a strategic alliance in October 2012, including cooperation in the teaching, research, and development of the London school system. In February 2014, the two institutions announced their intention to join, and the merger was completed in December 2014.

In September 2013, the new Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) is established within the Faculty of Engineering, one of several university initiatives to enhance and reflect the relationship between research and public sector decision making.

In October 2013, it was announced that Imperial College London Translation Studies Unit will move to UCL, becoming part of the UCL School of Languages, Cultures and the European Community. In December 2013, it was announced that UCL and academic publishing company Elsevier will collaborate to establish the UCL Big Data Institute. In January 2015 it was announced that UCL had been selected by the British government as one of the five founding members of the Alan Turing Institute (together with Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford and Warwick universities), an institution to be established in the British Library to promote the development and use of math levels advanced computer science, algorithms, and large data.

2015 to serve

In August 2015, the Department of Management of Science and Innovation renamed the School of Management and plans were announced to expand UCL's activities in business-related teaching and research. The school is currently being moved from the Bloomsbury campus to One Canada Square in Canary Wharf.

UCL founded the Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) in 2015 to promote interdisciplinary research in the humanities and social sciences. The prestigious annual Orwell prize for political writing moved to the IAS in 2016.

In June 2016 it was reported in Times Higher Education that as a result of administrative errors, hundreds of students studying at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute between 2005-6 and 2013-14 have been given the wrong sign. , leading to an unknown number of students who are associated with the wrong qualifications and, in some cases, failing when they must pass their degrees. A report by the UCL Academic Committee Review Committee notes that, according to the agency's own review findings, senior UCL staff members have been aware of issues affecting student outcomes but have not taken action to address them. The Review Panel concluded that there is a clear lack of ownership of these matters among the Institute's senior staff.

In December 2016 it was announced that UCL would be the central agency for a national dementia research institute of £ 250 million, to be funded with Ã, Â £ 150 million from the Medical Research Council and Ã, £ 50 million each from Alzheimer's Research UK and Alzheimer's Society.

In May 2017 it was reported that staff morale was at an "all time low", with 68% of academic board members responding to the survey disagreeing with "well run UCL" and 86% with "adequate teaching facilities for the number of students". Michael Arthur, Provost and President, linking the results with a "big change program" at UCL. He acknowledged that the facility was under pressure following growth over the past decade, but said that the issue was being addressed through the development of UCL East and other additional space leases.

Maps University College London

Campus and location


UCL is primarily based in the Bloomsbury area of ​​London's Borough of Camden, in Central London. The main campus is located around Gower Street and covers the fields of biology, chemistry, economics, engineering, geography, history, language, mathematics, management, philosophy and physics, preclinical facilities from UCL Medical School, London Center for Nanotechnology, Slade School of Art, UCL, UCL Main Library, UCL Science Library, Bloomsbury Theater, Egyptian Archeology Museum Petrie, Grant Museum of Zoology, and University College Hospital affiliated. Close to Bloomsbury is the UCL Cancer Institute, UCL Faculty of the Built Environment (The Bartlett), UCL Faculty of Law, UCL Institute of Archeology, UCL Institute of Education, UCL School of Pharmacy, UCL School of Public Policy and Schools UCL School of Slavonic and Eastern Europe.

The area around Queen Square in Bloomsbury, close to the main campus, is the center for brain-related research and health, with the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and the UCL Institute of Neurology located in the region along with the National Hospital affiliated to Neurology and Surgery Nerve. UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health and the Children's Affiliated Great Ormond Street Hospital are located adjacent, forming a pediatric research and healthcare research center. UCL Ear Institute, the UCL Eastman Dental Institute, and the National Royal Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital, and Eastman Dental Hospital located east of Bloomsbury along Gray's Inn Road and become a center for health care research and care in audiology and dentistry.

The famous UCL buildings at Bloomsbury include the UCL Main Building, including the Octagon, Quad, Cloisters and Wilkins buildings designed by William Wilkins; Cruciform Building, Gower Street (the cross-shaped red building originally sheltered at University College Hospital); and Rockefeller Building, University Street, the venue of the original University College Hospital Medical School and named after American oil magnate John D. Rockefeller after receiving support from the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1920s. Because of its position in London and the historical nature of the building, including mainly UCL and Quad Main Hall, UCL has been used as a location for a number of film and television productions, including Home Doctors (1954), Gladiator (2000), The Mummy Returns (2001), The Dark Knight (2008) and Inception (2010).

A number of important institutions are based near major campuses, including British Library, British Medical Association, British Museum, Cancer Research UK, Gray's Inn, Medical Research Council, RADA, Royal Academy of Art, Royal Institution and Wellcome Trust. Many schools and institutes of the University of London are also close, including Birkbeck, University of London, London Business School, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Royal Veterinary College, School of Advanced Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies and Senate House Library. The closest London Underground station is Euston Square, with Goodge Street, Russell Square and Warren Street nearby. The main railway stations at Euston, King's Cross and St Pancras are all within walking distance.

UCL East

In 2014 it was announced that UCL would build an additional campus in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, referred to as UCL East, as part of a development called the Olympicopolis site at the southern end of the Park. UCL's main planner is designated in spring 2015, and the first University building is expected to be completed on time for the academic year 2019/20.

It was revealed in June 2016 that UCL East's expansion could see the university grow to 60,000 students. The proposed growth rate is reported to cause concern, with calls for it slowed to ensure the university can meet its financial stability targets.

Other sites

Elsewhere in Central London is the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology (based in Clerkenwell), the Windeyer Institute (based in Fitzrovia), the UCL Institute of Orthopedics and Musculoskeletal Science (based at Stanmore), The Royal Free Hospital and the Whittington Hospital campus of UCL Medical School , and a number of other educational hospitals. UCL School of Management is located at Level 38, One Canada Square in Canary Wharf, London. The Department of Space and Climatic Physics (Mullard Space Science Laboratory) is based at Holmbury St Mary, Surrey, the UCL Energy and Resource School based in Adelaide, Australia and there is the UCL campus in Doha, Qatar specialized in archeology, conservation and museum studies. Since September 2010, UCL has run a University Certificate Preparation program at Nazarbayev University in Astana, Kazakhstan.

University College Hospital - Wikipedia

Organization and administration


Although UCL is a constituent college at the Federal University of London, in many ways it resembles a stand-alone, independent and independently-funded university, and it also gives its own title.

The governing body of UCL is the Council, which oversees the management and administration of UCL and the conduct of its affairs, is subject to advice from the Academic Board on academic policy issues, and approves UCL's long-term plan. It delegates authority to Provost, as chief executive, to UCL's academic, corporate, financial, plantation and human resources management. The board usually meets six times each year. The Council consists of 20 members, of which 11 are external members to UCL; seven are UCL's academic staff, including Provost, three UCL professors and three non-professorial staff; and two UCL students. The Chairman shall be appointed by the Council for a period usually not exceeding five years. Chairman is the ex officio Chairman of Honorary Board and Fellowships Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration and Strategy Committee. The current Chairman of the Board is Dame DeAnne Julius.

UCL's major academic and administrative officers are the President and Provost, who are also key UCL officials appointed for the purposes of the Financial Memorandum with the Higher Education Funding Council for the UK (HEFCE). Provost is appointed by the Council after consultation with the Academic Council, responsible to the Council, and working closely with its members, and especially with the Chairman of the Board. The current and tenth provost and UCL President is Michael Arthur, who replaced Sir Malcolm Grant in 2013.

The Deputy Provost is appointed by Provost, through the Council, to assist and advise Provost as required. Vice-Provost is a member of the Senior Management Team Provost. There are currently six Provost Representatives (for Education, Corporate, Health, International, Research, and Operations).

The UCL faculty dean is appointed by the Council and, together with the Deputy-Provost and the Director of Finance and Business Affairs, forms a member of the Senior Management Team Provost. The main task of the Dean includes advising Provost and Deputy Provost on academic strategies, personnel issues and resources for academic departments within their faculty; supervising curriculum and program management at the faculty level; dealing with the Faculty of Tutors on undergraduate admissions and student academic issues; supervise examination problems at the faculty level; and coordinate faculty views on matters relating to educational and informational support.

List of Provost

  • Sir Gregory Foster (1906-1929)
  • Sir Allen Mawer (1930-1942)
  • David Pye (1943-1951)
  • Sir Ifor Evans (1951-1966)
  • Mr. Annan (1966-1978)
  • Sir James Lighthill (1979-1989)
  • Sir Derek Roberts (1989-1999; 2002-2003)
  • Sir Christopher Llewellyn Smith (1999-2002)
  • Sir Malcolm Grant (2003-2013)
  • Michael Arthur (2013-present)

Faculties and departments

Research and teaching UCL is organized into a network of faculty and academic departments. The faculty and academic departments are formally established by the UCL Board, UCL's governing body, on the advice of the Academic Board, which is UCL's senior academic authority. UCL is a comprehensive university with teaching and research in a wide range of arts, humanities, social sciences, physics, biology and medical sciences, engineering and built environment, although currently has no veterinary, music, drama or nursing schools. UCL is currently organized into the following 11 constituent faculties:

To facilitate greater interdisciplinary interaction in research and teaching, UCL also has three strategic faculty groupings:

  • UCL School of Life and Science (composed of the Faculty of Brain Sciences, Life Sciences, Medical Science, and Population Health Sciences);
  • UCL School of Artificial Environments, Engineering and Mathematical and Physical Sciences (consisting of UCL Faculty of Built Environment, UCL Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Mathematics and Physics UCL); and
  • UCL Arts Faculty & amp; Humanities, UCL Faculty of Law, Faculty of UCL Social & amp; History and Science School UCL Slavonic & amp; Eastern European Studies.


In the financial year ending July 31, 2016, UCL has total revenues (excluding part of the joint venture) of Ã, Â £ 1.36 billion (2014/15 - Ã, Â £ 1.26 billion) and total expenditure Ã, Â £ 1.23 billion (2014)./15 - Ã, Â £ 1.22 billion). Major sources of revenue include Ã, Â £ 530.4 million from research grants and contracts (2014/15 - Ã, 427.3 million), Ã, £ 421.1 million of tuition fees and educational contracts (2014/15 - Ã, £ 364.2 million), Ã, Â £ 192.1 million from grant funds (2014/15 - Ã, £ 195.2 million) and Ã, Â £ 25.1 million from donations and endowments (2014/15 - Ã, Â £ 20.3 million). During the 2015/16 financial year, UCL had a capital expenditure of £ 146.6 million (2014/15 - £ 149.3 million). At the end of the year, UCL has a donation of Ã, Â £ 100.9 million (July 31, 2015 - Ã, Â £ 104.1 million) and total net assets of Ã, Â £ 1.19 billion (31 July 2015 - Ã, £ 1.07 million).

By 2014/15, UCL has the third highest total income of all UK universities (after University of Cambridge and University of Oxford), and the third highest income from grants and research contracts (after Oxford University and Imperial College London). For the academic year 2015/16, UCL allocated a total of £ 171.37 million for teaching and research from the Higher Education Funding Board for the UK (HEFCE), the highest amount allocated to English universities, where 39.76 million was for teaching and Ã, £ 131.61 million is for research. According to a survey published by Sutton Trust, UCL has the eighth-largestest university graduation from the UK in 2012.

UCL launched its 10-year, £ 300 million fundraiser in October 2004, at the time of the largest appeal target set by universities in the UK. UCL launched a new £ 600 million fundraising campaign in September 2016 titled "This is All Academic - Campaign for UCL" .

In April 2016, UCL signed a 30-million pound loan worth 30 million pounds with European Investment Bank, the largest loan ever borrowed by British universities and the largest ever loan by EIB to the university. The money will be used to fund spending programs worth 1.25 billion pounds in Bloomsbury and Stratford. Some UCL academics oppose expansion plans.


UCL's academic year is divided into three terms. For most departments except Medical Schools, Term One runs from late September to mid December, Term Two from mid-January to late March, and Term Three from late April to mid-June. Certain departments operate reading the weeks of early November and mid-February.

Logo, arms and colors

While most universities use their logos on regular documents but their emblems on official documents such as title certificates, UCL exclusively use the logo. The logo was adopted as part of a rebranding exercise in August 2005. Prior to that date, different logos were used, in which UCL letters were incorporated into the Wilkins Building-style building representation.

UCL had previously made some use of the pseudo-heraldic "emblem" that depicted a bowed arm raised with armor holding open green open flowers. This version of the badge (not on the shield) appears to have been used by UCL Union not long after its founding in 1893. However, weapons have never been the subject of formal grants, and depart from some symbolic rules and conventions. They are no longer formally used by colleges, although they are sometimes still seen in unofficial contexts, or used in modified form by teams and sports societies. Blazon weapons may be given as: Purpure, on top of Argent and Blue Celeste wreaths, armor arm overshadows Argent holding an upturned bouquet of Vert greetings, under two branches of laurel Or crossing in nombril and tied with a bow string Or , under the nomenclue of the Blue Celeste motto where Cuncti adsint meritaeque expects praemia palmae. Motto is a quote from Virgil's Aeneid , and translated into English. as "Let all who come to deserve the most reward".

UCL's traditional sports and academic colors of purple and light blue come from the arm.


From the principle, the college is deliberately secular; the initial justification for this is that it will allow students from different Christian traditions (especially Roman Catholics, Anglican and Protestant) to study side by side without conflict. UCL has maintained this strict secular position and, unlike most British universities, does not have a specific religious prayer room. However, there has been a Christian clergy since 2005 and there are no restrictions on religious groups among the students. "The quiet sphere of reflection" also allows prayer for staff and students of all faiths.

Membership, affiliation and partnership

UCL is a constituent college at the Federal University of London, which was one of the two founding members in 1836 (the other being King's College London).

UCL is a founding member of the Russell Group, an association of 24 British research universities founded in 1994, and from the G5 lobby group, founded in early 2004 with Cambridge and Oxford universities, Imperial College London and the London School of Economics. UCL is considered part of the "golden triangle", an unofficial term for a set of leading universities located in southern English cities in Cambridge, London and Oxford including Cambridge and Oxford universities, Imperial College London, King's College London and London School Economics.

UCL has been a member of the League of European Research Universities since January 2006, and is currently one of five English members (others are Cambridge, Edinburgh and Oxford and Imperial College London universities). The other international groupings of UCL are members including the Commonwealth University Association, the European University Association and the University Research Association. UCL has a great collaboration with Yale University, UCL Yale Collaboration, and has hundreds of other research and teaching partnerships, including about 150 research links and 130 student exchange partnerships with European universities.

UCL has been a member of the SES engineering science and physical engineering alliance since May 2013, formed with the universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Southampton and Imperial College London (King's College London which later joined in 2016). UCL is a member of Thomas Young Center, an alliance of London research groups working on the theory and simulation of materials; Other members are Imperial College London, King's College London and Queen Mary University of London. UCL is one of the five founding members of the Alan Turing Institute, the UK national institution for data sciences (along with Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford and Warwick universities). It also operates the London Center for Nanotechnology, a multidisciplinary research center in physical and biomedical nanotechnology, in partnership with Imperial College London.

UCL has a close partnership with University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; Trust Hospitals are a place of teaching for UCL Medical School, UCL and Trust are joint partners at the UCLH/UCL Biomedical Research Center and the Institute of Sports, Exercise and Health, and both are members of the UCL Partners health science academic center. UCL is a founding member of the Francis Crick Institute, a major biomedical research center in London which is a partnership between Cancer Research UK, Imperial College London, King's College London, the Medical Research Council, the Wellcome Trust and UCL. UCL also operates the Bloomsbury Research Institute, a research institute focusing on basic to clinical and population studies in bacteriology, parasitology and virology, in partnership with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Drugs.

UCL offers joint degrees with various universities and other institutions, including Anna Freud National Children's Center and Family, Columbia University, University of Hong Kong, Imperial College London, New York University, Peking University and Yale University.

UCL is a sponsor of the UCL Academy, a secondary school at London Borough of Camden. The school opened in September 2012 and is the first in the UK to have a single sponsor university. UCL also has a strategic partnership with Newham Collegiate Sixth Form Center.

UCL is a founding member of the Knowledge Quarter, a partnership of academic, cultural, research, scientific and media based organizations in the knowledge group in the area of ​​Bloomsbury and King's Cross in London. Other members of this partnership include the British Library, the British Museum, Google and the Wellcome Trust.

The Denys Holland Scholarship for Undergraduate Degree at ...


Faculty and staff

In the academic year 2014/15, UCL has an average of 7,070 academic and research staff, the highest number of any UK university, of whom 5,360 are full-time and 1,710 part-time. UCL has 840 professors, the largest number of universities in the UK. In August 2016 there were 56 Fellows of the Royal Society, 51 Fellows of the British Academy, 15 Fellows of the Royal Academy of Engineering and 121 Fellows of the Academy of Medical Sciences among UCL academic and research staff.


UCL has made interdisciplinary research a priority and oriented its research around four "Big Challenges", Global Health, Sustainable Cities, Intercultural Interactions and Human Well-being.

In 2014/15, UCL has a total research income of £ 427.5 million, the third highest ranking of all UK universities (after Oxford University and Imperial College London). The main sources of research earnings that year were BIS research boards (Ã,  £ 148.3 million), UK-based charities (Ã, £ 106.5 million), UK central government, local authorities/health and hospitals (Ã,  £ 61.5 million), EU government agencies (Ã,  £ 45.5 million), and the UK industry, commerce and public companies (Ã, £ 16.2 million). In 2015/16, UCL was awarded a total of Ã,  £ 85.8 million in grants by the UK research council, the second largest number of all UK universities (after Oxford University), having achieved a 28% success rate. For the period to June 2015, UCL is the fifth largest recipient of the EU Horizon 2020 funding fund, and the largest recipient of any university, with EUR49.93 million grant received. UCL also has the fifth largest number of projects funded from any organization, with 94.

According to the university rankings produced by SCImago Research Group, UCL ranked 12th in the world (and first in Europe) in terms of total research output. According to data released in July 2008 by the ISI Web of Knowledge, UCL is the 13th most cited university in the world (and most cited in Europe). This analysis includes citations from 1 January 1998 to 30 April 2008, in which 46,166 UCL research papers draw 803,566 citations. The report includes excerpts in 21 subject areas and results reveal some key UCL powers, including: Clinical Medicine (1st outside North America); Immunology (second in Europe); Neuroscience & amp; Behavior (1 outside North America and 2 in the world); Pharmacology & amp; Toxicology (first outside of North America and fourth in the world); Psychiatry & amp; Psychology (2 outside North America); and Social Sciences, General (1 outside North America).

UCL awarded a total of 2,566 staff in 36 assessment units to a 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) assessment, in each case the highest number of universities in the UK (compared to 1,793 UCL staff submitted to the 2008 RAE 2008). In the results of the REF 43% of the research submitted by UCL are classified as 4 * (leading in the world), 39% as 3 * (internationally outstanding), 15% as 2 * (internationally recognized) and 2% as 1 * (acknowledged nationally), giving an overall GPA of 3.22 (RAE 2008: 4 * - 27%, 3 * - 39%, 2 * - 27% and 1 * - 6%). In the rankings generated by Times Higher Education based on the results of the REF, UCL was ranked 1st overall for "research strength" and a combined 8 for GPA (compared with fourth and 7th in rank respectively equivalent to RAE 2008).


UCL has offered courses in medicine since 1834, but UCL Medical School is currently being developed from mergers with the medical school of Middlesex Hospital (founded in 1746) and Royal Free Hospital (founded as London School of Medicine for Women in 1874). Clinical medicine is primarily taught at Royal Free Hospital, University College Hospital and Whittington Hospital, with other associated education hospitals including Eastman Dental Hospital, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Moorfields Eye Hospital, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and National Kingdom Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital.

UCL is a major center for biomedical research. In a bibliometric analysis of biomedical and health research in the UK for the period 2004-13, UCL was found to have produced the highest publication of any institution, with 12,672 (compared with Oxford University who ranked second with 9,952). UCL is part of three of 20 biomedical research centers established by the NHS in the UK - UCLH/UCL Biomedical Research Center, NIHR Biomedical Research Center at Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, and NIHR Great Ormond Street Biomedical Research Center. In the latest round of funding of the Ministry of Health for 5 years since April 2017, three UCL-affiliated biomedical research centers earned Ã, £ 168.6 million of the total funding of 811 million nationally, the largest amount awarded to the university and significantly higher. from Oxford University which occupies the second position (with Ã, Â £ 126.5 million).

UCL is a founding member of UCL Partners, the largest health science center in Europe with a turnover of Ã, Â £ 2 billion. UCL is also a member of the Francis Crick Institute based next to St Pancras railway station. It is one of the largest medical research centers in the world, where 1,250 scientists, and the largest of its kind in Europe.


Logging in to UCL is highly selective. For undergraduate admission, many of the UCL courses require three A scores on A Level, or equivalent grades 6,6,6 on higher level subjects at the International Baccalaalureate Program. Because most applicants receive the highest school grades, UCL, together with institutions such as Imperial College London and the University of Cambridge, are among the first universities in the UK to use A * classes at A-Level (introduced in 2010) for admission to the program including Economics, European Social and Political Studies, Law, Mathematics, Medicine, Theoretical Physics and Psychology. The University offers admissions for 61.7% of applicants, the sixth lowest among the Russell Group. For 2017 admission, the university is one of only a few major universities (along with Cambridge, Imperial College London, LSE, Oxford, St Andrews, and Warwick) to have no available courses in Clearing.

Of UCL graduate students, 32.4% are privately-educated, the eighth highest proportion among major UK universities. In the academic year 2016-17, the university has details of domicile 59:12:30 UK: EU: non-EU students each with a female and men ratio of 58:42.

Undergraduate law applicants are required to take the National Admissions Exam for Law and undergraduate medical applicants are required to follow the BioMedical Admission Test. Applicants for European Social and Political Studies are required to take Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) if they are selected for the assessment day. Some UCL departments interviewed undergraduate applicants before submitting an acceptance offer.

Subject subjects with the highest applicants for place ratios at UCL in 2015 include BSc Architecture (14: 1 ratio), Economics BSc (Econ) (ratio 11: 1), Engineering (Engineering with Business Finance) MEng (ratio 10: 1) BA English (ratio 10: 1), Art BA (ratio 23: 1), Law LL.B (ratio 16: 1) and Philosophy, Politics, and Economics BSc (ratio 30: 1).

Foundation Program

UCL runs an intensive one-year Foundation course leading to various degree programs at UCL and other top UK universities. Called UCL University Preparatory Certificate, the program is targeted at international students with high academic potential whose education system in their own country does not normally offer qualifications appropriate for direct acceptance. There are two paths - one in science and engineering called UPCSE; and one in the humanities called UPCH. The same course is run at the Center for Preparatory Studies at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan. Students who complete this course advanced to the degree program at the University of Nazarbayev.


The UCL library system consists of 17 libraries located on several sites within the main UCL campus and in Bloomsbury, linked together by a central network catalog and a demand system called Explore. The library contains a total of over 2 million books. The largest library is the UCL Main Library, located in UCL Main Building and contains collections relating to art and humanity, economics, history, law and public policy. The second largest library is the UCL Science Library, located at DMS Watson Building in Malet Place and contains collections relating to anthropology, engineering, geography, life sciences, management and mathematical and physical sciences. Other libraries include the UCL Bartlett Library (architecture and urban planning), Cruciform Library (general clinical and medical science), UCL Eastman Institute of Oral Medicine (UCL), UCL Institute of Archeology Library, Library Newsam UCL Institute of Education (education and related social sciences), UCL Institute of Neurology, Rockefeller Medical Library (neurosurgery and neuroscience), Joint Moorfields Eye Hospital & amp; UCL Institute of Ophthalmology Library (biomedicine, medicine, nursing, ophthalmology and visual sciences), UCL & amp; Speech Library of Science (audiology, communication disorder, linguistics & phonetics, special education, speech and language and voice therapy) and UCL Library of Slavonic and East European Studies (economic, geography, history, language, literature and politics of Eastern Europe).

UCL staff and students have full access to London University's premier library - Senate House Library and the Institutes of School Library of Advanced Study - located close to the main UCL campus in Bloomsbury. These libraries contain more than 3.7 million books and focus on art, humanities and social sciences. The British Library, which contains about 14 million books, is also located close to the main UCL campus and all UCL students and staff can apply for reference access.

Since 2004, the UCL Library Service has collected UCL researcher's scientific work to make it available for free on the internet through an open access repository known as UCL Eprints. The objective is that materials curated by UCL Eprints will remain accessible indefinitely.

Museums and collections

UCL's Special Collection contains a significant collection of historical or cultural works from UCL. It is one of the leading university collections of manuscripts, archives and rare books in the UK. This includes a collection of medieval manuscripts and early print books, as well as significant ownership of 18th-century works, and a collection of personal papers, archival material and literature of great importance in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, covering various subject areas. Archives include Latin American archives, Jewish collections and the George Orwell Archives. Collections are often featured in a series of glass cabinets at the Cloisters of the UCL Main Building.

The most important UCL works are stored in Strong Rooms. Special collections include the first edition of Isaac Newton Principia , Charles Darwin on On Origin of Species and James Joyce Ulysses . The earliest book in the collection is The crafte for lyve well and for coloring well , printed in 1505.

UCL is responsible for several museums and collections in various fields in the arts and sciences, including:

  • Petrie Museum of Archeology Egypt: one of the world's leading archeological collections of Egypt and Sudan. Open to the public regularly.
  • The UCL Art Museum: a collection of art dates from 1847, when a collection of sculpture and drawing models by neoclassical artist John Flaxman was presented to UCL. There are more than 10,000 pieces dating from the 15th century onwards including images by Turner, paintings by Rembrandt, and works by many of the leading 20th century British artists. Works on paper are displayed in Strang Print Room, which has a limited regular opening time. Other works can be seen under the agreement.
  • Flaxman Gallery: a series of casts with full-size sculptural detail by John Flaxman is located inside the Main Library under the dome of the UCL Main Building center.
  • Grant Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy: a diverse collection of Natural History covering the entire animal kingdom. Includes rare dodo and quagga skeletons. A collection of teaching and research, it is named after Robert Edmund Grant, professor of comparative anatomy and comparative UCL from 1828, now primarily known for teaching undergraduate Robert Robert Darwin at the University of Edinburgh in 1826-1827. li>
  • Geological Collection: was founded around 1855. It is primarily a teaching resource and can be visited by agreement.
  • Collection of Archaeological Institute: Items include prehistoric ceramics and stone artefacts from different parts of the world, Petrie's collection of Palestinian artifacts, and Greek and Roman Classical ceramics. Just a visit with an appointment.
  • Ethnographic Collection: This collection exemplifies Material Culture storing various objects, textiles, and artifacts from around the world. Just a visit with an appointment.
  • Galton Collection: Sir Francis Galton's scientific instruments, papers, and personal memorabilia. Located in the department of biology. Just a visit with an appointment.
  • Scientific Collections: Various collections are mainly collected in UCL's own work process, including the operating table where the first anesthesia is administered. Items can be viewed under the agreement.

Rating and reputation


In 2017 UCL Academic Ranking , UCL was ranked 16th in the world (and third in Europe). In the 2016 subject table, ranked 8th in the world (and second in Europe) for Clinical Medicine & amp; Pharmacy, the world's 51st and 75th combined (and the tenth joint in Europe) for Engineering, Technology and Computer Science, ranked ninth in the world (and second in Europe) for Life & amp; Agricultural Science, the world's 51st and 75th combined (and the 14th together in Europe) for Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the world's 51st and 75th combined (and 12th together in Europe) for Social Sciences.

In 2018/19 , UCL was ranked 10th in the world (and ranked fifth in Europe). In the ranking of faculty 2017/18 it is ranked 18th in the world (fourth in Europe) for Arts and Humanities, 53 together in the world (15 in Europe) for Engineering and Technology, 11th in the world (fourth in Europe) for Natural Sciences and Medicine, the 62nd in the world (18th in Europe) for Natural Sciences, and a combined of 30 worlds (6 in Europe) for Social Science and Management. In Ranking 2017/18 by Subject, UCL ranked 37 subjects, of whom 35 are in the world's top 100 and 16 are ranked in the top 20 of the world. It is ranked in the top 10 of the world for ten subjects: Anthropology (10), Archeology (3), Architecture (2), Anatomy & amp; Physiology (4th joint), Dentistry (6th), Education and Training (1), Geography (8), Medicine (9), Pharmacy & amp; Pharmacology (8) and Psychology (8 joints). At QS Graduate Employability Ranking, UCL is ranked 24th.

In 2018 World University Rankings of Education Times, , UCL was ranked 16th in the world (and ranked fifth in Europe). In the 2016/17 subject table, ranked 4th in the world (and second in Europe) for Art and Humanity, the 6th in the world (and fourth in Europe) for Clinical, Pre-Clinical and Health, 12th in the world (and 6th in Europe ) for Computer Science, the world's 38th (and 12th in Europe) combined for Engineering and Technology, the 12th in the world (and fourth in Europe) for Life Sciences, 23 in the world (and 8 in Europe) for Science Physics and 14 in the world (and 3 in Europe) for Social Sciences. In 2017 World Times Higher Education Rating , UCL was ranked 16th in the world. By 2015 Employability University's Global Universities Rank, UCL is ranked 48th in the world.

UCL is ranked 16th in the world (second in Europe) for the number of publications and 26 in the world (6 in Europe) for publication quality in 2017 CWTS Leiden Ranking . UCL was ranked 10th in the world (second in Europe) in 2017 Scientific Performance Rating of National Taiwan University for the World University . UCL is ranked 17th in the world (8th in Europe) in 2017 Round University Ranking . UCL is ranked 5th in the world (second in Europe) by 2016/17 University Rankings by Academic Performance . In 2018 AS. News & amp; World Report Best Global University Ranking, UCL is ranked 22nd in the world (4th in Europe).


UCL is consistently one of the 10 best multi-faculty universities in the UK university rankings, which emphasizes more on undergraduate students experience than global rankings, using criteria such as quality of teaching and learning resources, entry standards, job prospects, research quality and dropout rates. In 2018 Times Higher Education "Table of Tables", based on the combined results of three major UK domestic university rankings, UCL is ranked 7th. In the 10-year School Times (1998-2007) average rating of British universities based on consistent league table performance, UCL is ranked 5th overall in the UK. UCL is one of only eight universities (along with other members of G5, Bath, St Andrews and Warwick) to never be beyond the top 15 in any of the three major domestic ranks between 2008-2017. To 2017 enter UCL, along with Cambridge, Imperial College, LSE, Oxford, St Andrews, and Warwick are one of the few key institutions to opt out of Clearing.

In the 2019 Complete University Guide 201 UCL table, UCL was ranked top 10 in 29 subjects, and ranked second for City & amp; Country Planning and Landscape Design and all three for Buildings and Politics among others. In the 2015 Times Higher Education study, UCL was voted the 8th best university in the UK for graduate quality by recruiters from major UK companies.

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Commercial activity

UCL has significant commercial activity and by 2014/15 it generates about Ã, Â £ 155 million in revenue. UCL's main commercial activities include UCL Business, UCL Consultants, and catering and accommodation services. UCL also participates in a number of commercial joint ventures, including EuroTempest Ltd and Imanova Ltd.

UCL Business

UCL Business (UCLB) is a technology transfer company wholly owned by UCL. It has three main activities: licensing technology, creating spin-out companies, and project management. UCLB supports spin-out companies in various fields including discovery discovery, commercialization, business plan development, contract advice, incubation support, management team recruitment and investor identification. In the field of licensing technology, UCLB provides commercial, legal, and administrative advice to help companies engage broker license agreements. UCLB also provides UCL departments and institutes with project management services for single or multi-party collaborative industry projects.

UCLB has a turnover of Ã, Â £ 8 million by 2014/15 and on 31 July 2015 has equity holdings in 61 companies.

UCL Consultant

UCL Consultants (UCLC) is a full-service academic consulting firm privately owned by UCL. It provides four major service offerings: Academic Consulting, Testing & amp; Analysis, Expert Witness, and Training & amp; Short course. On July 31, 2015 UCLC has about 1,100 registered consultants.

UCLC has a turnover of £ 10.1 million by 2014/15.

UCL Press

UCL Press is a university press that is wholly owned by UCL. This is the first open-access university press in the UK, and publishes monographs, textbooks and other academic books in various academic fields available for free download, in addition to the December 2017 journal, UCL Press has about 700,000 open access book downloads.


Imanova is a joint venture of UCL, Imperial College London, Kings College London and the Medical Research Council that owns and manages the Clinical Imaging Center located on the campus of Hammersmith Hospital Imperial College London.

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Student life

Student body

In 2014/15 academic year, UCL has a total of 35,615 students, of which 16,830 graduates and 18,785 graduate students. In that year, UCL had the third largest number of students from any university in the UK (after Open University and Manchester University), and the largest number of graduate students.

In 2013/14 87% of UCL students are full-time and 13% part-time, and 54% are female and 46% male. In 2013/14, 12,330 UCL students came from outside the UK (43% of the total number of students that year), of which 5,504 came from Asia, 3,679 from the EU ex. England, 1,195 from North America, 516 from the Middle East, 398 from Africa, 254 from Central and South America, and 166 from Australasia.

As of July 31, 2015, UCL has about 220,000 alumni in 190 countries, of which about 137,000 people are based in the UK (and about 60,000 people are based in London). The largest alumni community outside the UK is in the United States, Greece, and China.

UCL Union

Founded in 1893, the UCL Union is one of the oldest student unions in the UK, despite the postdating Liverpool Guild of Students who formed the student representative board in 1892. UCL Union operates both as a representative voice for UCL students, and as a provider of various services. It is democratically controlled through the General Meeting and referendum, and run by elected student officers. The Society has provided a prominent platform for political campaigns of all kinds in recent years. It also supports a variety of services, including various clubs and communities, sports facilities, suggestion services, and numerous bars, cafes and shops. The union is also responsible for the organization of a number of events, including, among other things, the campus's annual summer ball.

Currently there are more than 150 clubs and communities under the umbrella of the UCL Union, including: Pi Media (responsible for Pi Piité and Pi Newspaper, official UCL student publications); UCL Union Debating Society, the oldest UCL and the third oldest university student community in the UK; UCL Union Film Society, one of the oldest film communities in the country with previous members including Christopher Nolan; The Cheese Grater (a student magazine that contains a mix of news and funny item investigations); and University College London Investment Society, one of UCL's largest and most popular career associations.


UCL Union manages more than 50 sports clubs, including UCL Cricket Club, UCL Boat Club (Men and Women Club), UCL Cross Country and Athletics Club and UCL Rugby Club (Men and Women as well) as a School of Medicine club).

UCL clubs compete in inter-university competitions in University and British College (BUCS) competitions in various sports, including basketball, cricket, fencing, soccer, hockey, netball, rugby union and tennis. In the 2014/15 season, UCL finished in 24th place in the final BUCS ranking of 151 participating higher education institutions.

UCL sports facilities include a fitness center on the main UCL campus at Bloomsbury, a sports center in Somers Town and a 90-acre athletic field in Shenley.


The UCL mascot is Phineas Maclino, or Phineas, a wooden tobacconist sign from a Jacobite Highlander stolen from outside the shop on Tottenham Court Road during the Ladysmith relief celebration, part of the Second Boer War, in March 1900. The formation of the Mascot at UCL and King's saw the beginning of the mascot, where Phineas will be kidnapped by King's and then this action will be rewarded by UCL. In 1922, Phineas was briefly stolen by the King, and then during 1927, the mascot's "King Reggie the Lion" mascot was captured by UCL students and his body was filled with rotten apples. In 1993, in the hundredth year of the university, Phineas was placed in a third floor bar of 25 Gordon Street and the bar was named after him.

Compete with King's College Lo

Source of the article : Wikipedia
