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Rajeev Institute of Technology - Wikipedia

tech institutes (also: technology universities , polytechnic universities , technikon , and engineering universities ) is a type of university specializing in engineering, technology, applied sciences, and sometimes natural science.

The English term polytechnic appeared in the early 19th century, from the French cole Polytechnique, a technical school founded in 1794 in Paris. The French term comes from the Greek ???? ( polÃÆ'º or polÃÆ'½ ) meaning "many" and ????? ??? ( tekhnikÃÆ'³s ) which means "art".

Video Institute of technology

Institut teknologi versus politeknik

The technological and polytechnic institute has existed since at least the 18th century, but became popular after World War II with the expansion of engineering and applied science education, related to the new needs created by industrialization. The first institute of technology in the world, Berg-Schola (today his legal successor is the Miskolc University), was established by the Court of the Viennese Chamber of the SelmecbÃÆ'¡nya, the Kingdom of Hungary (now BanskÃÆ'¡? Tiavnica, Slovakia), in 1735 to train metal and copper mining specialists noble in accordance with the requirements of the industrial revolution in Hungary. The oldest German Institute of Technology is the University of Technology Braunschweig, founded in 1745 as the "Collegium Carolinum". Another exception is the ÃÆ'â € cole Polytechnique , which has educated French ÃÆ' Â © lites since its inception in 1794. In some cases, polytechnics or technological institutes are technical schools or technical colleges.

In some countries, such as Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Turkey, the technological and polytechnic institutes are institutions of higher learning, and have been accredited to provide academic and doctoral degrees. A famous example is the Technical University of Istanbul, ETH Zurich ,? YTE, Delft University of Technology and RWTH Aachen, all universities considered.

In countries such as Iran, Finland, Malaysia, Portugal, Singapore or the UK, there are often significant and confusing differences between polytechnics and universities. In the United Kingdom an emerging high-education binary system consists of universities (research orientation) and polytechnics (engineering and applied sciences and professional practice orientation). Polytechnics offer university equivalent degrees primarily in STEM subjects from undergraduate, masters and PhDs that are validated and regulated at the national level by an independent English Council for National Academic Awards. In 1992 the UK Polytechnic was designated a university which meant they could give their own degrees. CNAA is dissolved. The first Polytechnic in England, the Royal Polytechnic Institution (now University of Westminster), was founded in 1838 on Regent Street, London. In Ireland the term "technology institute" is a preferred synonym of "regional technical colleges" although the latter is a legally correct term; However, the Dublin Institute of Technology is a university in all but the name as it can provide degrees in accordance with the law, Cork Institute of Technology and other Institutes of Technology have delegated authority from HETAC to make awards for and include master degree level - Level 9 Republic National Qualification Framework Ireland (NFQ) - for all study areas and Doctorate levels in a number of others.

In some countries, although currently generally regarded as a similar higher education institution in many countries, polytechnics and technology institutes are used to have laws that differ greatly from each other, their teaching competence and the history of the organization. In many cases, "polytechnics" are elite tech universities that concentrate on applied science and engineering and may also be former appointments to vocational institutions, before being granted exclusive rights to award an academic degree and can be actually called a "technology institute". "A number of polytechnics providing higher education are only the result of a formal increase in their original and historical role as secondary technical education schools.In some situations, former polytechnics or other non-university institutions have emerged only through changes to administrative legislation, name changes with the introduction of new designations such as "technology institute", "polytechnic university", "applied science university", or "technology university" for marketing purposes. The emergence of so many improved polytechnics, former vocational education and engineering schools transformed into more university-like institutions has caused concerns that the lack of specialized secondary technical professionals leads to a lack of industry skills in some fields, which are also associated with increased graduate Level unemployment. This is mostly the case in those countries, where the education system is not controlled by the state and any institution can grant degrees. The evidence also shows a decline in the general quality of teaching and preparation of graduates for the workplace, due to the rapid conversion of technical institutions to higher-level advanced institutions. Mentz, Kotze and Van der Merwe argue that all the tools exist to promote the debate about technological places in higher education in general and in specialized technology universities, and they ask some questions for debate.

Maps Institute of technology

Institutions by country


In the so-called Latin American Doctrine , the higher main institution supporting technological studies is the National Technology University which has brand consequences through all the country's geographical space on the Faculty's road. The Buenos Aires Institute of Technology (ITBA) is another important technology institute recognized with prestige and prestige in the country.



During the 1970s to early 1990s, the term was used to describe state-owned and funded technical schools offering vocational and higher education. They are part of the College of Advanced Education system. In the 1990s most of these joined existing universities, or formed new ones from themselves. These new universities often take the University of Technology degree, for marketing rather than legal purposes. AVCC Report The most prominent university in every state founded the Australian Technology Network several years later.


Since the mid-1990s, this term has been applied to several technical-minded technical and educational institutions (TAFE). The latest example is the rebranding and repositioning of Melbourne Polytechnic in 2014 from the Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE. It primarily offers vocational education, although some like Melbourne Polytechnic are expanding to higher education that offers a work-oriented undergraduate degree. The use of this term is most commonly used historically in NSW and ACT. This new terminology is appropriate given that the category of this institution became very similar to the institute of the 1970s period.

In Tasmania in 2009, the old college system and TAFE Tasmania have begun a 3 year restructuring to become Tasmanian Polytechnic, Tasmanian Skills Institute and Tasmanian Academy www.

In the higher education sector, there are seven appointed Technology Universities in Australia (though, note, not all use the phrase "technology university", such as the University of Canberra and South Australia, formerly the College of Advanced Education before the transition to a fully mature university with the ability - most importantly - to give a doctorate):

  • Curtin University, Western Australia
  • Queensland University of Technology, Queensland
  • Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Victoria
  • Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria
  • Canberra University, Australian Capital Territory
  • University of South Australia, South Australia
  • Technology University, Sydney, New South Wales


Technology university

These institutions are entitled to provide habilitation and doctorate degrees and focus on research.

  • Graz University of Technology (13,454 students, founded 1811, Hochschule since 1865, doctorate since 1901, university since 1975)
  • TU Wien (27,923 students, founded 1815, Hochschule since 1872, doctorate since 1901, university since 1975)
  • The University of Natural Resources and Natural Sciences, Vienna focuses on agriculture (12,500 students, founded as Hochschule in 1872, doctorate since 1906, university since 1975)
  • MontanuniversitÃÆ'¤t Leoben specialized in mining, metallurgy, and materials (4,030 students, founded 1840, Hochschule since 1904, doctorate since 1906, university since 1975)

Research institutes

These institutions focus only on research.

  • Austrian Institute of Technology (founded in 1956)
  • Austrian Institute of Science and Technology (established 2007)

Technical faculty at the university

Some universities have technological faculties who are entitled to provide habilitation and doctorate degrees and who focus on research. Johannes Kepler University Linz (Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences founded 1965, university since 1975)

  • The University of Innsbruck (Faculty of Civil Engineering was founded in 1969)
  • Alpine-Adria-UniversitÃÆ'¤t Klagenfurt (Faculty of Engineering was founded 2007)

  • college

    Fachhochschule is a German tertiary educational institution and was adopted later in Austria and Switzerland. They do not focus exclusively on technology, but may also offer courses in the social sciences, medicine, business and design. They provide bachelor's and master's degrees, and focus more on teaching than on research and more on a particular profession than on science.

    In 2010, there were 20 Fachhochschulen in Austria


    There are several public technical universities in Bangladesh.

    • Bangladesh University of Engineering & amp; Technology (BUET)
    • Chittagong University Engineering & amp; Technology (CUET). Formerly known as Bangladesh Institute of Technology, Chittagong.
    • Khulna University of Engineering & amp; Technology (KUET). Formerly known as Bangladesh Institute of Technology, Khulna
    • Rajshahi University of Engineering & amp; Technology (RUET). Formerly known as Bangladesh Institute of Technology, Rajshahi.
    • Institute of Military Science and Technology (MIST)
    • Dhaka Engineering University & amp; Technology (DUET). Formerly known as Bangladesh Institute of Technology, Dhaka.

    There are several public universities and technology in Bangladesh that offer engineering programs.

    • Dhaka University. The engineering program offers under the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.
    • Rajshahi University. The engineering program offers under the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.
    • Chittagong University. The engineering program offers under the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.
    • Islamic University of Bangladesh (IU). The engineering program offers under the faculty of Applied Science and Technology.
    • Khulna University. The engineering program offers under the faculty of Science, Engineering, and Technology.
    • Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. The engineering program offers under the faculty of Applied Science and Technology.
    • Bangladesh Textile University (BUTex)

    There is only one private engineering private university in Bangladesh.

    • Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST).

    There is only one international specialized engineering university in Bangladesh.

    • Islamic Technology University (IUT).

    There are many private and other universities and universities of science and technology providing technical education. The most prominent are:

    • American International University-Bangladesh
    • North South University
    • Chittagong International Islamic University
    • University of the West East
    • BRAC University
    • Independent University, Bangladesh


    • Brest State Technical University (Brest, Belarus)
    • Belarussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Minsk, Belarus)
    • Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) (Minsk, Belarus)

    Belgium and the Netherlands

    Hogeschool is used in Belgium and in the Netherlands. The hogeschool has much in common with Fachhochschule in the German language region and into ammattikorkeakoulu in Finland.

    Hogeschool institutions in the Flemish Community of Belgium (such as Erasmus Hogeschool Brussel) are currently undergoing an academic process. They form associations with universities and integrate research into the curriculum, which will enable them to provide an academic master's degree.

    In the Netherlands, four former technology institutes have been universities for the last few decades. These are the three current Technical Universities (in Delft, Eindhoven and Enschede), plus former agricultural institutions in Wageningen. A list of all hogescholen in the Netherlands, including some that might be called polytechnics, can be found here.


    • Federal Technology University ParanÃÆ'¡
    • Instituto Militar de Engenharia
    • Federal Institute of SÃÆ' Â £ o Paulo
    • Instituto TecnolÃÆ'³gico de AeronÃÆ'¡utica
    • Sao Paulo State University of Technology
    • Federal Bahia Institute


    • Technical University of Gabrovo
    • Sofia Technical University
    • Technical University of Varna
    • University of Chemical and Metallurgical Technology


    In Cambodia, there are institutes of technology/polytechnic institutes, and Universities offering instruction in programs that can lead to: certificates, diplomas, and degrees. Technological/polytechnic institutes and universities tend to be independent institutions.

    Technological/Polytechnical institution
    • ITC or the Cambodian Institute of Technology or the Institut de Technologie du Cambodge (polytechnic institute in Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
    • PPIT or Phnom Penh Institute of Technology
    • RUPP or Royal Università © de Phnom Penh (polytechnic university in Phnom Penh, Cambodia)


    In Canada, there are affiliated schools, colleges, institutes of technology/polytechnics, and universities offering instruction in programs that can lead to science and engineering degrees, apprenticeship and trade programs, certificates and diplomas. School affiliates are the national university's polytechnic division and offer technical and engineering programs. Colleges, institutes of technology/polytechnic institutes, and universities tend to be independent institutions.

    Credentials are usually given at the undergraduate level; however, university-affiliated schools such as ÃÆ' â € ° cole de technologie supÃÆ' Â © rieure and ÃÆ' â € ° cole Polytechnique de MontrÃÆ'Â © al (both located in Quebec), also offer postgraduate and graduate programs, in accordance with high education guides province. Canadian higher education institutions, at all levels, conduct focused and applied research with funding allocated through public funding, private equity, or industry sources.

    Some of Canada's most prominent colleges and polytechnics also participate in collaborative industry-industry projects, leading to the commercialization of technology, made possible through the scope of Polytechnics Canada, a national alliance of eleven colleges and leading research technology institutes leading.

    Affiliated schools
    • ETS or ÃÆ' â € ° cole de technologie supÃÆ'  © rieure (part of the technical school of the Università © du Quà © © © bec system in Montreal, Quebec)
    • ÃÆ' â € ° cole Polytechnique de MontrÃÆ' Ã… © al (a school of polytechnics affiliated with Università © de MontrÃÆ' © al in Montreal, Quebec)
    Higher Education
    • Algonquin College (Ottawa, Ontario)
    • Conestoga College (Kitchener, Ontario)
    • George Brown College (Toronto, Ontario)
    • Humber College (Toronto)
    • Red River College of Applied Arts, Science and Technology (lectures in Winnipeg, Manitoba offers degrees)
    • The School of Applied Art and Technology Seneca (Toronto)
    • St. Clair College (Windsor)
    Tech/polytechnic institution
    • The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT, Polytechnic Institute in Burnaby, British Columbia)
    • Kwantlen Polytechnic University (polytechnic university in Surrey, British Columbia)
    • Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT; Polytechnic Institute in Edmonton, Alberta)
    • Ryerson University (university in Toronto, Ontario) - Although it does not have the name "polytechnic" anymore, Ryerson is one of the founders of applied education in Ontario, and Canada. This dropped the term "polytechnic" in 1993 when he was able to award a master's and doctorate, used the term "university" instead, and changed the name of several degrees to bring it in line with other "traditional" universities.
    • Saskatchewan Polytechnic, formerly SIAST (Polytechnic Institute, several campuses with headquarters in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
    • Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning (Polytechnical Institute in Oakville, Ontario)
    • The Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT, Polytechnic Institute in Calgary, Alberta)
    • The University of Ontario Technology Institute (UOIT, university in Oshawa, Ontario)


    China's modern high education began in 1895 with Tientsin Imperial University which is a polytechnic plus legal department. Liberal art was not offered until three years later at Capital University. To this day, about half of China's elite universities remain essentially political.


    • Federico Santa MarÃÆ'a Technical University


    Di Kroasia ada banyak institut dan perguruan tinggi politeknik yang menawarkan pendidikan politeknik. The undang-undang tentang pendidikan politeknik di Kroasia is falling in love in 1997.

    The Polytechnic Institute
    • Polytechnic, Lavoslav Ru? aku? has "of Vukovar
    • Polytechnic, Marko Maruli? "of Knin
    • Polytechnic "Nikola Tesla" of Gospi?
    • Polytechnic dari? akovec
    • Polytechnic Karlovac
    • Polytechnic Po e ega
    • Polytechnic Pula
    • Polytechnic Rijeka (VELERI) - salah satu institusi politeknik terbesar di Kroasia, dengan departement of Rijeka, Pore ?, Pazin, Oto? AC, Gospi? day Ogulin
    • Polytechnic? ibenik
    • Polytechnic Slavonski Brod
    • Polytechnic Vara? din
    • Polytechnic Velika Gorica
    • Polytechnic Zagreb
    • Polytechnic Vern
    • Polytechnic of Zagreb
    • Universitas Studi Kesehatan Terapan
    • Republic Ceko

      Universitas Technician
      • Universitas Teknologi Brno (VUT), didirikan pada 1899, 24,000 siswa
      • Collegium Nobilium of Olomouc, 1725 - 1847
      • Universitas Teknik Ceko of Prague (? VUT), perguruan tinggi yang didirikan pada 1707, universitas sejak 1806, 23.000 mahasiswa, adalah universitas technik tertua di dunia
      • Universitas Ilmu Kehidupan Ceko Praha (? ZU), didirikan pada 1904, berfokus pada pertanian, 18,000 siswa
      • Institute of Technology Kimia di Praha (V? CHT), didirikan pada tahun 1952, 3.000 siswa
      • Mendel University Brno (MENDELU), didirikan pada tahun 1919, berfokus pada pertanian, 9,000 siswa
      • Universitas Teknik Liberec (TUL), didirikan pada tahu 1953, 8,000 siswa
      • Universitas Teknik Ostrava (V? B TUO), didirikan pada tahu 1849, 22.000 siswa
      • Tomá? Ba? Sebuah Universitas di Zlín (UTB), didirikan pada tahun 2000, 10,000 siswa
      Lembaga penelitian
      • Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Republik Ceko (AV? R), tanggal kembali ke 1784,
      Fakultas teknis of universitas
      • Jan Evangelist Purkyn? Universitas di ÃÆ'Å¡stÃÆ' nad Labem (Faculty of Technology and Manajemen Produi, Universitas didirikan pada tahun 1991)
      • University of Pardubice (Faculty of Technology Chemistry, 1950, Jan Perner Faculty of Transportation, 1991, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Sejak 2002)
      • University of West Bohemia (Fakultas Teknik Mesin, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universitas didirikan pada tahun 1991)


      • Technical University of Denmark, didirikan pada 1829 on Hans Christian ÃÆ'ÂÅ"rsted

      Republika Dominica

      • Santo Domingo Tecnolos de Santo Domingo
      • Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago


      • EPN, Sekolah Politeknik Nasional, Quito, Ecuador

      EPN is known for research and education in applied sciences, astronomy, atmospheric physics, engineering and physical sciences. The Geophysics Institute monitors the country's seismic, tectonic, and volcanic activity on the continent and in the Galapagos Islands.

      One of the oldest observatories in South America is the Quito Astronomical Observatory. Founded in 1873 and located 12 minutes south of the Equator in Quito, Ecuador. The Quito Astronomical Observatory is the Ecuadorian National Observatory and is located in the Quito Historical Center and is managed by the National Polytechnic School.

      The Nuclear Science Department at EPN is the only one in Ecuador and has a large infrastructure, related to irradiation facilities such as cobalt-60 sources and electron beam processing.


      • Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering & amp; Technology (AIET)
      • High Technology Institute
      • The Institute of Aeronautics & amp; Technology


      Technology university

      University of technology is categorized as a university, allowed to provide B.Sc. (Tech.), M.Sc. (Tech.), Lic.Sc. (Tech.), Ph.D. and D.Sc. (Tech.) Degree and roughly corresponds to the Institutes de technologie of the French-speaking area and the Technische UniversitÃÆ'¤t of Germany in prestige. In addition to technology universities, several universities, such as the University of Oulu and ÃÆ'â € | bo Academy University, were allowed to provide B.Sc. (tech.), M.Sc. (tech.) and D.Sc. (Tech.) Degree.

      Technology universities are academically similar to other universities (non-polytechnics). Prior to the Bologna process, M.Sc. (Tech.) Requires 180 credits, while M.Sc. of a normal university requires 160 credits. Credit between tech universities and normal universities is comparable.

      Some Finnish tech universities are:

      • Aalto University, formed from Helsinki University of Technology and other universities
      • Lappeenranta Technology University
      • Tampere University of Technology

      Polytechnic School is different from the academic university in Finland. Ammattikorkeakoulu is a common term in Finland, like the Swedish alternative " yrkeshÃÆ'¶gskola " - their focus is on a study leading to a degree (eg , engineers, in international use, Bachelor of Engineering) in a different form than but at a level comparable to an academic degree awarded by a university. Since 2006, the polytechnic has offered a study leading to a master's degree (Master of Engineering). After 1 January 2006, some Finnish ammattikorkeakoulus changed the English term "polytechnic" into "university of applied sciences" in English translation of their official name. Ammattikorkeakoulu has much in common with hogeschool in Belgium and in the Netherlands and in Fachhochschule in the German language area.

      Some of the recognized Finnish polytechnics are:

      • Helsinki Metropolitan University of Applied Sciences
      • Lapland University of Applied Sciences
      • Tampere University of Applied Sciences
      • Turku University of Applied Sciences

      The full list can be found in the Polytechnic Register in Finland.

      French and Francophone Region

      Instituts de technologie (grandes ÃÆ' Â © coles)

      Università © Colleità ©  © Università © © Università ©  © Università ©  © Università ©  © Università © © Università ©  Università © © Universitaire de l'Universite They include:

      • ParisTech Arts and Crafts
      • Centrale Graduate School
      • Grenoble Institute of Technology
      • National Applied Science Institute
      • Institute of Aeronautics and Higher Space
      • Paris Institute of Technology

      They provide science and technology science and physics master's degree.

      'UniversitÃÆ'Â © s technologiques/instituts universitaires de technologie /politek

      The French education system also includes three tech universities:

      • Università © de technologie de Belfort-MontbÃÆ'  © liard
      • University of Technology CompiÃÆ'¨gne
      • Troyes Technology University

      In addition, the French education system includes many technology institutes, which are embedded in most French universities. They are touted as institute universitaire de technologie (IUT). Instituts universitaires de technologie provides undergraduate technology curriculum. The 'Institute Polytechnic', embedded as part of eleven French universities provides undergraduate and postgraduate curriculum.

      In the French-speaking part of Switzerland there is also the term "haute ÃÆ' Â © cole specialisÃÆ' Â © e for a type of institution called Fachhochschule in the German-speaking part of the country. (See below).

      ÃÆ' â € ° coles polytechniques

      The higher education system, which was influenced by the French education system established at the end of the 18th century, uses terminology derived with reference to French cole polytechnic. These terms include ÃÆ'â € coles Polytechniques (Algeria, Belgium, Canada, France, Switzerland, Tunisia), Escola PolitÃÆ'Â © cnica (Brazil, Spain), Polytechnic (Eastern Europe).

      In French, higher education refers to ÃÆ'Â © coles polytechnics , providing the science and engineering curriculum:

      • ÃÆ' â € ° cole polytechnique or X (near Paris)
      • ÃÆ' â € ° cole polytechnique de Bruxelles
      • ÃÆ' â € ° cole polytechnique de MontrÃÆ'Â © al
      • ÃÆ' â € ° cole polytechnique fÃÆ'Â © dÃÆ'Â © rale de Lausanne
      • The National Polytechnic Institute of Lorraine
      • The National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse



      Fachhochschulen was first established in the early 1970s. They do not focus exclusively on technology, but may also offer courses in the social sciences, medicine, business and design. They provide bachelor's and master's degrees, and focus more on teaching than on research and more on a particular profession than on science.

      In 2009/10, there are about 200 Fachhochschulen in Germany. See the German Wikipedia for list.

      Technische UniversitÃÆ'¤t

      Technische UniversitÃÆ'¤t (abbreviation: TU ) is a generic term for a technology university or an engineering university. These institutions can provide habilitation and doctorate degrees and focus on research.

      The nine largest and most famous Technische UniversitÃÆ'¤ten in Germany has established the TU9 German Institutes of Technology as a community of interest. Technische UniversitÃÆ'¤ten usually has a faculty or a field of natural and often economic science but can also have cultural and social science units and arts. RWTH Aachen, TU Dresden and TU MÃÆ'¼nchen also have medical faculties associated with a university hospital (Aachen Clinic, Dresden University Hospital, Rechts der Isar Hospital).

      There are 17 tech universities in Germany with approximately 290,000 students enrolled. The four states of Bremen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Saxony-Anhalt and Schleswig-Holstein do not operate the Technische UniversitÃÆ'¤t . Saxony and Lower Saxony have the highest number of TUs , while in Saxony three out of four universities are tech universities.


      In Greece, there are University of Technology or Institute of Technology which are part of public higher education and they provide a 4-year undergraduate degree (Diplom FH) (240E.C.T.S - I.S.C.E.D. 5A). Also, there is a Polytechnic that is part of the state higher education system and they award the Diplom Union 5 years (300E.C.T.S - I.S.C.E. 5A).

      Hong Kong

      The first Polytechnic in Hong Kong was The Hong Kong Polytechnic, founded in 1972 through the upgrading of the Hong Kong Technical College (Government Trade School before 1947). The second polytechnic, the Hong Kong City Polytechnic, was established in 1984. This polytechnic provides diplomas, higher degrees, and academic degrees. Like the United Kingdom, two polytechnics were granted university status in 1994, and renamed to Hong Kong Polytechnic University and City University of Hong Kong. University of Science and Technology Hong Kong, a university with a focus in applied sciences, engineering and business, was established in 1991.


      The world's first Berg-Schola (Bergschule) Institute of Technology was founded in SelmecbÃÆ'¡nya, the Hungarian Empire by the Vienna Chamber Court in 1735 provided further education to train metal and copper mining specialists. In 1762 the institute was ranked to become an Academy who provided Higher Education programs. After the Trianon Agreement, the institute had to be moved to Sopron.

      • The Miskolc University was re-established in 1949 as the Heavy Industrial Engineering University in Miskolc and in 1990 as the Miskolc University. The University is the successor of the University of Mining and Metallurgy SelmecbÃÆ'¡nya (est. Like Bergshule 1735).
      • Budapest University of Technology and Economics, one of the world's oldest technological institutes located in Budapest (approx. 1782). BME is the first University in Europe to provide an engineering degree.
      • Debrecen University - Faculty of Engineering
      • DunaÃÆ'ºjvÃÆ'¡ros University
      • Pallasz AthÃÆ' Â © nÃÆ' Â © Universitas - GAMF
      • University of NyÃÆ'regyhÃÆ'¡za - Institute of Science and Engineering
      • Sopron University
      • Szeged University - Faculty of Engineering
      • Szent IstvÃÆ'¡n University
      • SzÃÆ' Â © chenyi IstvÃÆ'¡n University
      • Pannonia University
      • University of PÃÆ'Â © cs - Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
      • ÃÆ' â € Å"University Buda


      In India, polytechnic institutes offer three years post-10th Diploma in Technical Engineering. These institutions have affiliates of state councils of technical education and industrial training from their respective state governments. After successful completion of diploma in polytechnic, students can get a job or enter in second year of Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) or Bachelor of Engineering (BE) (Lateral Entry).

      • Pusa Polytechnic became one of India's most famous Polytechnicians
      • Government Polytechnic, Mumbai
      • Jnan Chandra Ghosh Polytechnic, Kolkata
      • Lucknow Government Polytechnic
      • Nainital Government Polytechnic
      • Nilokheri Government Polytechnic
      • The Barabanki Government Polytechnic
      • Government Polytechnic, Nagpur
      • Government Polytechnic, Shoranur
      • Central Polytechnic College, Vattiyoorkavu, Trivandrum. This is where the socio-tech youth rebel group-the Association for Returning Alambs-ABBA Bangku (not to be confused with ABBA music band) was founded in 1994.

      There is also the Indian Institute of Technology and the National Institute of Technology in India which is an autonomous government agency. These institutions are the Institutes of National Importance. In addition to this, there are many other universities that offer higher technical programs. The authority that controls technical education in India is AICTE.

      Indian Institute of Technology
      • Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
      • Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi
      • Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
      • Indian Institute of Technology Madras
      • Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
      • Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
      • Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
      • Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
      • Indian Institute of Technology Ropar
      • Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneshwar
      • Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
      • Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
      • Indian Patna Technological Institute
      • Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
      • Indian Institute of Technology Bathing
      • Indian Institute of Technology Indore
      National Institutes of Technology
      • National Institute of Technology, Agartala
      • National Institute of Technology Motilal Nehru, Allahabad
      • Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal
      • National Institute of Technology, Calicut
      • National Institute of Technology, Durgapur
      • National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur
      • Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur
      • Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
      • National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur
      • National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra
      • National Institute of Technology Visvesvaraya, Nagpur
      • National Institute of Technology, Patna
      • National Institute of Technology, Raipur
      • National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
      • National Institute of Technology, Silchar
      • National Institute of Technology, Srinagar
      • S V National Institute of Technology, Letter
      • National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
      • National Institute of Technology, Warangal
      • National Institute of Technology, Goa
      • National Institute of Technology, Puducherry
      • Delhi National Institute of Technology
      • National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand
      • Mizoram National Institute of Technology
      • National Meghalaya Institute of Technology
      • National Institute of Technology Manipur
      • Nagaland National Institute of Technology
      • National Institute of Technology Arunachal Pradesh
      • Sikkim National Institute of Technology


      There are four public technology institutes in Indonesia owned by the Indonesian government. In addition, there are hundreds of other institutions owned by private or other institutions.

      The four public institutions are:

      • Institute of Technology Bandung, Bandung
      • Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya
      • The Kalimantan Institute of Technology, Balikpapan
      • The Sumatran Institute of Technology, Bandar Lampung

      The Polytechnic providing vocational education offers a three-year Diploma, which is similar to an associate's degree, or a four-year college degree. Master's degrees and more advanced doctors are still in process.


      There are 18 tech universities in Iran.

      • Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran
      • Sharif University of Technology, Tehran
      • Technical and Vocational University, 172 branches in Iran
      • Iranian University of Science and Technology, Tehran
      • K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran
      • Petroleum Technology University, Tehran, and Ahwaz
      • Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan
      • Sahand Technology University, Tabriz
      • Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz
      • Arak University of Technology, Arak
      • Urmia Technology University, Urmia
      • Babol Technology University, Babol
      • Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood
      • Hamedan University of Technology, Hamedan
      • Kermanshah University of Technology, Kermanshah
      • Qom University of Technology, Qom
      • Birjand Technology University, Birjand
      • Jondi-Shapur University of Technology, Dezful
      • Sirjan University of Technology, Sirjan


      • Technology University, Iraq


      Ireland has a system of "Institute of Technology", formerly called the Regional Technical College (RTC) system. The abbreviation IT is now widely used to refer to the Institute of Technology. These institutions offer sub-degree degree, degree and postgraduate studies. Unlike the Irish university system, the Institute of Technology also offers sub-degree programs such as a 2-year Certificate program in various academic fields. Some institutions have "delegated authority" that allows them to make awards on their own behalf, after authorization by Higher Education & amp; Council of Training Awards.

      The Dublin Institute of Technology was developed separately from the Regional Technical College system, and after several decades of working with the University of Dublin, Trinity College gained authority to grant its own degree.

      The IOTI, is a representative body for Institutes of Technology in Ireland.


      • Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in 2010 ranked 38th in the world.


      In Italy, the term "technical institution" generally refers to a secondary school offering a five-year course that provides access to the university system.

      In higher education, Politecnico refers to a technical engineering university degree. Historically there are two Politecnici , one in each of the two largest industrial cities in the north:

      • Politecnico di Torino, founded in 1859;
      • Politecnico di Milano, founded in 1863.

      One third Politecnico was added in the south in 1990:

      • Politecnico di Bari, established in 1990.

      However, many other universities have engineering faculties.

      In 2003, the Ministries of Education, Universities and Research and the Ministry of Economy and Finance jointly founded Istituto Italiano in Tecnologia (Italian Institute of Technology), headquartered in Genoa with 10 laboratories around Italy, which however focused on research, were not entirely field of engineering, and does not offer a bachelor's degree.


      • Technology University, Jamaica, in Kingston, Jamaica.


      In Japan, the technology institute ( ???? , k? Gy? Daigaku ) is a type of university that specializes in science. See also Imperial College of Engineering, which is the forerunner of the University of Tokyo's engineering faculty.

      • Tokyo Institute of Technology, 1929
      • Chiba Institute of Technology, 1942
      • Kyoto Institute of Technology, 1949
      • Muroran Institute of Technology, 1949
      • Nagoya Institute of Technology, 1949
      • Kyushu Institute of Technology, 1949
      • University of Electro-Communications, 1949
      • Tokyo Agricultural and Technological University, 1949
      • Osaka Institute of Technology, 1949
      • Shibaura Institute of Technology, 1949
      • Kobe Institute of Computing, 1958
      • Aichi Institute of Technology, 1959
      • Hiroshima Institute of Technology, 1963
      • Fukuoka Institute of Technology, 1963
      • Shonan Institute of Technology, 1963
      • Tohoku Institute of Technology, 1964
      • Kanazawa Institute of Technology, 1965
      • Fukui University of Technology, 1965
      • Kitami Institute of Technology, 1966
      • Nippon Institute of Technology, 1967
      • Hokkaido Institute of Technology, 1967
      • The Ashikaga Institute of Technology, 1967
      • Hachinohe Technical University, 1972
      • Kanagawa Institute of Technology, 1975
      • Nagaoka University of Technology, 1976
      • Toyohashi Technology University, 1976
      • Saitama Institute of Technology, 1976
      • Japan Institute of Science and Technology, 1986
      • Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, 1986
      • Tokyo University of Technology, 1986
      • Kobe Design University, 1989
      • Tohoku University of Art and Design, 1991
      • Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology, 1991
      • Niigata Institute of Technology, 1995
      • Maebashi Institute of Technology, 1997
      • Kochi University of Technology, 1997
      • Aichi University of Technology, 2000
      • Nara Institute of Science and Technology, 2006
      • The Advanced Industrial Technology Institute, 2006
      • Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, 2011


      • Princess of Sumaya University for Technology in Amman
      • University of Science and Technology of Jordan at Irbid
      • University of Applied Balqa in Salt



      Polytechnic in Malaysia has been in operation for almost 44 years. Institutions provide courses for undergraduate & amp; Bachelor of Science (BSc) (offer at Premier Polytechnics for intake September 2013 & amp; intake 2014 ), Advanced Diploma, Diploma, and Special Skills Certificate. It was established by the Ministry of Education with the assistance of UNESCO in 1969. RM24.5 million was used to fund the pioneering Polytechnic Ungku Omar located in Ipoh, Perak of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

      Currently, Malaysia has developed 32 polytechnics in all states in engineering, agriculture, commerce, hospitality and design courses with 60,840 students in 2009 to 87,440 students by 2012.

      The following is a list of Polytechnics in Malaysia in order to establish: -

      Technical University

      There are 4 technical universities in Malaysia, and all belong to the Network of Technical University of Malaysia:

      • Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia University
      • Universiti Malaysia Perlis
      • Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
      • Universiti Malaysia Pahang


      The only technical university in Mauritius is the University of Technology, Mauritius with its main campus located at La Tour Koenig, Pointe aux Sables. It has a special mission with a technology focus. It applies traditional and beyond traditional approaches to teaching, training, research and consulting. The University has been established with a view to playing a key role in Mauritius's economic and social development through the development of programs of direct relevance to the needs of the country, for example in areas such as technology, sustainable development science, and public sector policy and management.


      • Technical University of Moldova, 1964

      New Zealand

      The New Zealand Polytechnic was established under the 1989 Education Act as amended, and is usually considered a state-owned tertiary institution along with universities, educational colleges, and wanga; there are currently many frequent crossings in courses and qualifications offered between all types of this Tertiary Educational Institution. Some have officially adopted the title 'technological institute' which is a recognized term in government strategy equivalent to the term 'polytechnics'. One has chosen to name 'Universal College of Learning' (UCOL), and another 'Unitec New Zealand'. This is a legal name but not a term like 'polytechnic' or 'technological institute'. Many if not all now provide at least a bachelor's degree. Some educational colleges or tech institutes are privately owned, however, the level of qualifications varies greatly.

      Since the 1990s, there has been consolidation in the New Zealand state-owned higher education system. In the Polytechnic sector: The Wellington Polytechnic joins Massey University. Central Institute of Technology explores the merger with the Waikato Institute of Technology, which was abandoned, but later, after financial problems, controversially merged with Hutt Valley Polytechnic, which in turn became the Wellington Institute of Technology. Some small polytechnics on the North Island, such as Waiarapa Polytechnic, are merged with UCOL. (The only other amalgamation is in educational colleges.)

      Auckland University of Technology is the only polytechnic that has been elevated to university status; while Unitec has repeatedly tried to be blocked by government policies and consequent decisions; Unitec has not been able to convince the court to overturn this decision.


      Almost every state in Nigeria has a polytechnic university operated by a federal or state government. At Rivers State for example, there are two state-owned polytechnic universities; Kenule Beeson Saro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori City and Rivers State College of Arts and Sciences, Port Harcourt. The first was founded on May 13, 1988 while the latter - though established in 1984 - was approved by NBTE in 2006. The first private polytechnic university in the state is the East Polytechnic, founded in 2008.


      The Polytechnic Institute in Pakistan offers a diploma that spans three years in various branches of engineering. This Diploma is known as the Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE). Students are accepted into the diploma program based on their results in the standard 10 class exams. The main purpose of the diploma offered at the polytechnic institute is to train people in various trades.

      These institutions are located throughout Pakistan and have been in operation since the early 1950s.

      Upon successful completion of diploma in polytechnic, students may obtain employment or enroll either under the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) or Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree program.

      Technical College List in Pakistan.

      • Government. High School of Technology, Rawalakot, Azad Jammu & amp; Kashmir
      • Government. College Of Technology, S.I.T.E., Karachi
      • Government. College of Technology, Wahdat Colonyt, Hyderabad
      • Government. College Of Technology, Khairpur
      • Government. Institute of Polytechnic, Dice
      • Government. Habib College of Technology, Nawabshah
      • Government. Jamia Millia Institute of Technology, Malir, Karachi
      • Government. High School of Technology, Raiwand Road, Campus II, Lahore
      • Government. University of Technology, Railroad, Campus I, Lahore
      • Institute of Government Technology, Faisalabad

      Technical & amp; Technology in Pakistan offers undergraduate programs (BE/BS/BSc Engineering) and postgraduate (ME/MS/MSc Engineering and PhD) in engineering. BE/BS/BSc Engineering is a professional degree in Pakistan. This is a full-time 4 years program after HSSC (high school certificate) is also known as F.Sc (12 years of education).


      • MapÃÆ'ºa University, the leading engineering school in the Philippines. As an internationally accredited engineering school, the Institute consistently holds board exams for engineering students in the Philippines.
      • The Philippine Institute of Technology, a leading engineering school with international accreditation.
      • The University of Bicol, Center for teaching excellence, offers a well-known IT Program and university.
      • Cebu Institute of Technology - University, a leading engineering school located in Cebu City, Philippines in the Visayas region. Universities are known to have high selectivity in acceptance as well as excellence in research and technical education.
      • Cebu University of Technology
      • Far Eastern University - East Asia College, an engineering school operating under the Far Eastern University system.
      • Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology, premier state university in the southern Philippines, and the flagship campus of science and technology Mindanao State University System (the second largest university system in the Philippines next to the University of the Philippines).
      • Polytechnic University of the Philippines, a state university in the Philippines that consistently holds board exams for engineering students in the Philippines, also known as the Philippine National Comprehensive University.
      • Quezon City Polytechnic University, Local University, the university is renowned for Engineering, IT, and Technical Education.
      • Rizal Technological University, the only university to offer degree programs in astronomy.
      • Philippine University of Technology, a leading public university in the field of technological education in the Philippines.


      Politechnika (translated as "technical university" or "technological university") is the main type of technical university name in Poland. There are some great Polytechnics in Poland:

      • Politechnika Ã…,? ska
      • Politechnika Wroc? awska
      • Warsaw University of Technology
      • Poznan University of Technology
      • Cracow Technology University
      • Politechnika Gda? ska
      • Politechnika? ÃÆ'³dzka
      • Politechnika Bia? ostocka
      • Politechnika Lubelska

      Other Polytechnics Universities:

      • Akademia GÄ,Ã…,rniczo-Hutnicza
      • University of Technology and Natural Sciences at Bydgoszcz
      • Western Pomeranian Technology University


      The appointment of the "Institute of Technology" was not applied at all, meaningless in Portugal. However, there are a number of non-university higher education institutions called polytechnic institutes since the 1970s. Some of these institutions existed since the 19th century with different designations (industrial and commercial institutions, agricultural managers, elementary school teachers and nursing schools, etc.). Theoretically, the polytechnic higher education system aims to provide more practical and professional-oriented training, while the university's higher education system aims to have a stronger, research-oriented theoretical base. Polytechnics are also oriented to provide shorter studies aimed at responding to local needs. The Portuguese Polytechnic can then be compared to the US community colleges.

      Since the implementation of the Bologna Process in Portugal in 2007, the polytechnic offers cycle 1 (license level) and cycle 2 (master's degree) from higher studies. Until 1998, the polytechnic gave only a bachelor's degree (Portuguese: bacharelato) (three-year short cycle degree) and was not authorized to award a higher degree.. However they are awarded a post-graduate diploma in higher specialized studies (DESE, diploma de estudos superior especializados ), which can be obtained after the conclusion of the second two-year study cycle and the academic equivalent with a diplentiate university degree (< i> licenciatura ). After 1998, they began to be allowed to grant their own licensing degrees, which replaced the DESE diploma.


      • Politehnica University Bucharest, 1864
      • Polytechnic University of Timi? oara, 1920
      • Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Ia? i, 1937
      • Cluj-Napoca Technical University, 1948
      • Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, 1948
      • Oil & amp; Gas University Ploie? Ti, 1948
      • Bucharest Technical Military Academy, 1949


      • Bauman Moscow State Technical University
      • Saint Petersburg Polytechnical University
      • State Technical University of Novosibirsk
      • Tomsk Polytechnic University


      The Polytechnics in Singapore does not offer bachelor's, master's or PhD degrees. However, the Polytechnic in Singapore offers a three-year diploma program in areas such as information technology, engineering and other vocational fields, such as psychology and nursing. The Singapore Polytechnic diploma certificate is equivalent to a junior college in the UK or a college in the United States. There are 5 polytechnics in Singapore. They are: Singapore Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic, Nanyang Polytechnic and Republic Polytechnic.

      The Polytechnic Diploma in Singapore is known to be parallel and sometimes equivalent to the first years at a university degree institution, so Polytechnic graduates in Singapore have the privilege of being granted transfer credits or module exclusions when they apply to local and overseas universities. , depending on the university's policy on credit transfers.

      The only university in Singapore with the term "technology institute", especially the Singapore Institute of Technology, was developed in 2009 as an option for Polytechnic Diploma graduates wishing to pursue a bachelor's degree. Other technology universities in Singapore include Nanyang Technological University (1981) and Singapore University of Technology and Design (2009).


      • Slovak Technology University in Bratislava

      The world's first technological institute or technical university with tertiary technical education is BanskÃÆ'¡ AkadÃÆ' Â © mia in BanskÃÆ'¡? Tiavnica, Slovakia, founded in 1735, the Academy since 13 December 1762 founded by Maria Theresa's queen to train mining and metallurgical specialists of silver and gold in the neighborhood. Teaching began in 1764. Then the Mathematics, Mechanics and Hydraulics department and the Forestry department were completed. The university buildings are still where they are today and used for teaching. The University has launched the world's first electrotechnical book.

      • Ko Engineering University? ice
      • University "ilina
      • Technical University at Zvolen
      • Trends? ÃÆ'n University in Trends? ÃÆ'n
      • Dubnica Technology Institute

      South Africa

      South Africa has completed the transformation process of "high education landscape". Historically a division has existed in South Africa between the University and Technikons (polytechnics) as well as among institutions serving specific racial and linguistic groups. In 1993 Technikons were authorized to grant a degree of technology. Beginning in 2004 former Technikons have joined the traditional University to form the University of Comprehensive or have become the University of Technology, but the University of Technology has not until recently acquired all the traditional rights and privileges of the University (such as the ability to negotiate various degrees).

      Sri Lanka

      • Moratuwa University
      • Vocational Technology University
      • The Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology
      • Technical College


      • EidgenÃÆ'¶ssische Technische Hochschule ZÃÆ'¼rich (ETH Zurich)
      • ÃÆ' â € ° cole Polytechnique FÃÆ' Â © dÃÆ' Â © rale de lausanne (EPFL)


      Most of Thailand's technological institutes developed from engineering colleges, in the past could not provide a bachelor's degree; Today, however, they are university level institutes, some of which can give degrees to doctoral level. An example is the Pathumwan Institute of Technology (developed from Pathumwan Technical School), King Mongkut Ladkrabang Technology Institute (Nondhaburi Telecommunication Training Center), and King Mongkut Technology Institute, North Bangkok (Thai-German Technical School).

      There are two former technology institutes, which have been renamed "University of Technology": Rajamangala University of Technology (formerly Institute of Technology and Vocational Education) and King Mongkut Thonburi Technology University (Thonburi Technology Institute).

      Institute of technology with different origins is the Asian Institute of Technology, developed from SEATO Graduate School of Engineering, and Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, the engineering school of Thammasat University. Suranaree University of Technology is the only government-owned technology university in Thailand established (1989) as such; while Mahanakorn University of Technology is the most famous private technology institute. Technology/technical colleges in Thailand are associated with fierce competition that exploded into off-campus fights and student killings in public locations that have been going on for nearly a decade, with innocent people also commonly among the wounded and the military under the circumstances martial law. still can not stop them from happening.


      In Turkey and the Ottoman Empire, the oldest technical university is the Technical University of Istanbul. Its graduates contribute to a wide range of activities in scientific research and development. In 1950, two technical universities opened in Ankara and Trabzon. In recent years, Yildiz University was reorganized as Yildiz Technical University and 2 technology institutes were established in Kocaeli and Izmir. In 2010, another technical university named Bursa Technical University was established in Bursa. In addition, the sixth engineering university will open in Konya called Konya Technical University.


      • Donbas State Technical University
      • Donetsk National Technical University
      • Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
      • Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute
      • Lviv Polytechnic

      United Kingdom


      Polytechnic is a higher education institution in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Distinguished institutions in Scotland are collectively referred to as the Central Institute.

      From 1965 to 1992, UK polytechnic operates under a binary educational system along with a university. Polytechnics offer diplomas and degrees (bachelor, master, PhD) validated at the national level by the Council for the National Academic Awards (CNAA). They primarily excel in engineering and applied science degrees and other STEM subjects similar to technology universities in the US and continental Europe. Polytechnics are associated with innovations including women's studies, academic studies of communication and media, sandwich titles, and the rise of management and business studies.

      The first Polytechnic of England, the Royal Polytechnic Institution later known as Central London Polytechnic (now University of Westminster) was founded in 1838 at Regent Street in London and its purpose was to educate and popularize the techniques and scientific knowledge and discoveries in British Victoria "at a small cost." London Polytechnic led mass movements to create many polytechnic institutes in Britain at the end of the 19th century. Most polytechnic institutes are established in the center of major metropolitan cities and their focus is on engineering, applied science and technology education.

      The designation of the "technological institute" is sometimes used by polytechnics (Bolton), the Central Institute (Dundee, Robert Gordon), and the graduate university (Cranfield and Wessex), most of which then adopt university designations, and there are two "institutes" of science and technology ": UMIST and UWIST, part of the University of Wales.Loughborough University was named the Loughborough University of Technology from 1966 to 1996, the only institution in the UK to have that title.

      Polytechnics were granted university status under the Continuing Higher Education Act 1992. This means that polytechnics can bestow degrees without the supervision of national CNAA organizations. These institutions are sometimes referred to as post-1992 universities.

      Kolese teknis

      In 1956, several technology colleges received college designation of advanced technology. They became universities in 1966 which meant they could give their own titles.

      Institutions called "technical institutes" or "technical schools" formed in the early 20th century provide advanced education between high schools and universities or polytechnics. Most technical institutions have been merged into local universities and some universities have been appointed as universities

      Source of the article : Wikipedia
